TAPS Pathways to Success: College Prep for Teens and Parents

add to outlook calendar add to gmail calendar July 10 - 16, 2022
TAPS Headquarters, Arlington, Virginia
Application Open from April 27, 2022 to May 14, 2022
Two 4-day sessions available, July 10 to 13 and July 13 to 16, apply for the dates that work best for you.

The TAPS Pathways to Success: College Prep for Teens and Parents is a 4-day college preparatory experience in Washington D.C. where surviving military children who are rising Sophomores and Juniors along with their guardians will get the chance to meet with experts in the areas of higher education. They will learn critical skills such as writing personal essays, college choice, funding and networking as well as everything they need to know about the benefits available for college. Guardians will have dedicated sessions on family transitions, time management and managing stress during these transitional chapters.


TAPS Survivor College Experience Attendee

TAPS Survivor College Experience Attendee

TAPS Survivor College Experience Attendee



Thanks to our generous donors, there is no fee for this event. Supplies and most meals will also be covered.



By the graciousness of our donors, airfare to the event and lodging will also be covered for all attendees selected to attend.



This is an application based event so children will be required to complete an application and write an essay. Spots are limited, and applications are available from April 27, 2022 to May 14, 2022 with notifications of acceptance or waitlist going out by May 31, 2022.

TAPS Survivor College Experience Attendee

If you have any questions please email education@taps.org or 800-959-8277.

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