Events for 2010

2010 Event Listing
Past TAPS Events Listing
January 1 - December 31, 2010
Webinar: Suicide Prevention: Subintentional Suicide, High-Risk and Indirect Life-Threatening Behaviors
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Webinar defines sub-intentional suicide and discuss suicide theories and improve understanding of overt, high-risk, indirect and subtle suicidal behaviors.
January 21, 2010
Webinar: Suicide Bereavement and Complicated Grief
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Webinar covers four themes in bereavement after suicide and identify broad clinical guidelines for work with mourners after a suicide.
March 10, 2010
Webinar: Men & Grief: The Masculine Side of Healing
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Webinar covers differences in the ways that women and men grieve and stigma may play in the male grieving process.
May 20, 2010
Webinar: Grief, Trauma and Loss: Interventional Strategies for Practitioners and Caregivers
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Webinar covers the models, symptoms and influencing factors of grief.
September 23, 2010
Webinar: Child Traumatic Grief: Issues and Interventions Related to Military Children
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Webinar covers issues specific to military culture and family life and two models for treating bereaved military children.
November 16, 2010