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Video: Managing Different Coping and Grieving Styles Under the Same RoofTAPS Talks Video: Managing Different Coping and Grieving Styles Under the Same Roof Video: Managing Different Coping and Grieving Styles Under the Same Roof | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Each person has his or her own individual way of coping with grief or stress. This live connection, recorded by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® and presented by Dr. Ken Doka, discusses how to understand and balance different styles in these challenging times. Select image below to play the video. |
Video: Coping with Grief in Uncertain TimesTAPS Talks Video: Coping with Grief in Uncertain Times Video: Coping with Grief in Uncertain Times | TAPS Institute Bonnie Carroll Kenneth Doka Audri Beugelsdijk This live connection, recorded by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® and presented by Dr. Ken Doka and Bonnie Carroll, discusses how current conditions may complicate the grief of persons currently experiencing loss. Select image below to play the video. webinar, video, coronavirus fears, remarriage, grief and loss education |
Video: Grieving as a GrandparentTAPS Talks Video: Grieving as a Grandparent Video: Grieving as a Grandparent | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Dana O'Brien Linda O'Brien This live connection, recorded by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® and presented by Dr. Doka discusses the difficult concerns faced by grieving grandparents and ways to continue family bonds and find meaning in the loss. The O'Briens, TAPS Peer Mentors, share the important tools they gained from TAPS in coping with grief after the death of their grandson |
Video: Debunking 8 Popular Myths About GriefVideo: Debunking 8 Popular Myths About Grief Debunking 8 Popular Myths About Grief Webinar | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Grief is a unique and individual reaction to loss. Yet unfortunately, many myths about grief persist thanks to outdated, formulaic ways of understanding and explaining grief reactions. Join internationally-known bereavement expert Dr. Kenneth J. Doka as he identifies falsehoods about grief and discusses the ways they can be problematic for grievers who feel that their grief |
Video: Coping with Loss when Death is StigmatizedVideo: Coping with Loss when Death is Stigmatized Coping with Loss when Death is Stigmatized Webinar | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Dr. Kenneth Doka pioneered the concept of “disenfranchised grief,” giving a name to the reality in which mourners feel they don’t have the right to express their loss openly or fully because of the cultural stigma about how the person died. For example, those mourning a death by suicide or drug overdose may often feel that others are judging the choices and behavi |
TAPS Advisory Board Members recognized for their outstanding workTAPS Advisory Board Members recognized for their outstanding work TAPS Advisory Board Members recognized for their outstanding work | TAPS TAPS TAPS Advisory Board member and internationally-recognized expert in grief and loss, Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D., was recognized April 12 with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Death Education and Counseling. The award was presented at ADEC’s 41st annual conference, held in Atlanta. Ken Doka, who serves on the TAPS advisory board, is |
Video: Men, Grief, and Posttraumatic GrowthVideo: Men, Grief, and Posttraumatic Growth Video: Men, Grief, and Posttraumatic Growth | TAPS Institute Bret Moore Access Course Presented by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®, this webinar with presenters Bret Moore, PysD, ABPP and moderator Kenneth Doka, PhD, will have a specific focus on how veterans and military families can work towards posttraumatic growth after a loss. Select image below to play the video. Webinar Slides Men, Grief and Posttraumatic Growth Slides (PDF |
Video: Asking for Help When You Are GrievingVideo: Asking for Help When You Are Grieving Asking for Help When You Are Grieving Webinar | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka There are many reasons it can be difficult to ask for help when we need it, and grief can make it more challenging. There could be fear that we are bothering someone with our problems. Maybe grief has taken too much energy and we can't figure out what we need or how to reach out. If a prior request for help or support was met with unhelpful or hurtful responses, we may hesi |
Video: Coping with Anticipatory GriefVideo: "I'm Losing Him Before He's Gone" - Coping with Anticipatory Grief Video: Coping with Anticipatory Grief | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka When a loved one is facing a life-threatening illness or injury, grief is a natural reaction not only to the anticipation of death, but also to all the losses associated within the course of an illness or injury. Anticipatory grief can also be present when a loved one is living with other forms of illness such as addiction, traumatic brain injury, or de |
Video: Finding Balance in the Midst of GriefVideo: A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance, Finding Balance in the Midst of Grief Video: Finding Balance in the Midst of Grief | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Grief often feels like riding a rollercoaster, constantly moving between mourning the loss a loved one and how life was, while learning to, and even finding strength in, what it takes to forge a new life without the person's presence. Join Dr. Doka to discuss why this process of oscillating between grieving and moving forward is an important |
Video: Helping Grievers Cope with Guilt, Anger, and Other Difficult EmotionsVideo: Helping Grievers Cope with Guilt, Anger, and Other Difficult Emotions Video: Helping Grievers Cope with Guilt, Anger, and Other Difficult Emotions | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka Dale Larson Presented by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®, this video recording of the webinar with Dr. Ken Doka and Dr. Dale Larson, assists counselors and other professionals in assisting clients who are processing difficult emotions in grief such as guilt, anger, and shame. The webinar offers intervent |
Video: So Much Has Changed: Managing Secondary Losses During the HolidaysVideo: So Much Has Changed: Managing Secondary Losses During the Holidays Video: So Much Has Changed: Managing Secondary Losses During the Holidays | TAPS Institute Kenneth Doka This video recording of the webinar, recorded by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® with Ken Doka, PhD, MDiv, discusses how the loss of a loved one can feel especially dificult during the holiday season, as families face an empty seat at the Thanksgiving table or changes in a cherished holiday ritual and the imp |
Not the Funeral I WantedNot the Funeral I Wanted Not the Funeral I Wanted | TAPS Kenneth Doka It is not surprising that researchers and psychologists emphasize the therapeutic role of funerals and memorial services. Funeral rituals can be highly therapeutic. Psychologically, they confirm the reality of death and offer survivors opportunities to “do something” at a difficult and disorganized time. Socially, they allow for a community of friends and families to offer support by hugging, embracing, and offering other p |
When Grief Affects Our HealthWhen Grief Affects Our Health When Grief Affects Our Health | TAPS Kenneth Doka Our responses to a loss — the ways we grieve, can be very different. Some of us may experience grief in all sorts of ways. We may find we are hurting — physically. Here we may experience actual physical pain. We may ache or feel unwell. We may cope with a variety of emotions — sadness, anger, guilt, yearning, or loneliness to name but a few. Grief may affect how we think and how we behave. It may even create spiri |
3 C’s for Holiday Grief3 C’s for Holiday Grief 3 C’s for Holiday Grief | TAPS Kenneth Doka For those who are grieving, the holidays can be unfamiliar terrain. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, this time is filled with fond remembrances of loved ones who are on your mind yet absent from your traditions and rituals. Acknowledging the difficulties of holidays after loss does not make a potentially difficult time any easier, but preparing for the holidays by tapping into helpful coping strategies ma |
Ripples on a PondRipples on a Pond: Understanding and Coping with Secondary Loss Ripples on a Pond: Understanding and Coping with Secondary Loss | TAPS Kenneth Doka After her son Michael died in Afghanistan, Lydia told me, “I not only lost my son, I simultaneously lost all his friends.” Lydia had not realized the almost sacred place those friends occupied in Michael’s life and her own. “Ever since grade school, they were always over. They even went on trips with us. It was a tradition that they came to our |
Suicide: The AftermathSuicide: The Aftermath Suicide: The Aftermath Madeline Lambrecht Guidance from a fellow survivor The latest reports for 2009 show an increasing number of suicides in all branches of the military with the largest increase in the Army. Figures from 2008 show the military suicide rate exceeding the civilian suicide rate for the first time. Suicide Survivors . . . Suicide survivors are spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, military buddies, friends—all who had a relati |
Holding a Safe Space for MenHolding a Safe Space for Men Holding a Safe Space for Men | TAPS Lalaine Estella What we’ve come to know at TAPS is that men and women grieve differently. Men can be more stoic and reserved, while women are more expressive. While men in general tend to grieve more privately, women often feel more comfortable grieving with the support of others. Men often wear a public face of strength hoping not to show their pain, but in reality, they need just as much care and support after losing someone |
TAPS Professionals Help Survivors In Darkest MomentsTAPS Professionals Help Survivors In Darkest Moments TAPS Professionals Help Survivors In Darkest Moments TAPS TAPS has been the front-line resource for families of America's Fallen Heroes for over 22 years. We continue to meet that high standard because we bring together professional staff and grief experts who understand the complex grief our families face. Providing hope and healing to our families is a great honor. Whether our staff and professional partners are assigned that duty, chos |