Soul Injury | PTSD and Trauma Integration

add to outlook calendar add to gmail calendar May 3, 2018, 9:30 AM-4:30 PM Eastern
TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing | Arlington, Virginia

Registration for this event now closed.

TAPS and the Hospice Foundation of America are proud to co-present two compelling programs on the subjects of grief and trauma with a nationally recognized expert.

  • Soul Injury: Liberating Unmourned Loss and Unforgiven Guilt
  • PTSD and Trauma Integration


Deborah Grassman

Deborah Grassman, MSN, ARNPDeborah Grassman is a mental health Nurse Practitioner who spent 30 years of her career at the Department of Veterans Affairs and is one of the nation’s leading experts in caring for Veterans nearing the end of life. She is also an author of Peace at Last and The Hero Within and the co-founder of the nonprofit Opus Peace.


Program Details

Soul Injury: Liberating Unmourned Loss and Unforgiven Guilt

9:30 - 11 a.m. 

The mental and emotional injuries that accompany trauma are readily identified. Less recognized are the insidious wounds that occur with trauma and whenever we lose a sense of our own goodness/inner beauty or we think we are inadequate. These "soul injuries" cut us off from the energy of our deepest self and rob us of the essence of our being. Connecting with the emotional pain, paradoxically, restores wholeness. 

PTSD and Trauma Integration

11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. — Part 1
12:30 - 1:15 p.m — Lunch
1:15 - 4:30 p.m — Part 2 

Research now shows that the traumatized brain is remarkably different than it was prior to the trauma. Attention, perception, and memory are radically altered. Recovery measures that focus on resetting the emotional brain to respond appropriately to danger and to recover its capacity to experience safety and relaxation have been found to be the most effective. This presentation will provide you with insight into the aftermath of trauma.


Registration Details

This event is open to the general public, TAPS survivors, healthcare professionals, and grief and bereavement specialists. Please share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.  

Registration is free for both programs. You can register for one or both. Lunch is included for PTSD program attendees.

Continuing education certificates are provided through the Hospice Foundation of America. Instructions for obtaining CEs will be provided at each program.


About the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®

The TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® is positioned to be the national and worldwide leader in training and education for bereavement professionals, bereaved individuals, and grieving military, veteran and civilian families. The Institute serves as a resource and training center, providing a hub for high-quality collaboration among professionals working in the field of grief and loss.

The Institute is where practical information on coping with loss are accessible for all who seek current strategies, the most effective tools, and best practices for supporting those who are grieving and those who serve the grieving. 

The Institute provides workshops, seminars, panel discussions, and more to educate caregivers, mental health professionals, clergy, funeral directors, casualty officers, the bereaved themselves, and so many others on the best ways to travel the grief journey.

TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® is located at TAPS Headquarters, 3033 Wilson Blvd., Third Floor, Arlington, VA 22201

Email us at or give us a call at 800-959-8277 (TAPS) with any questions.