Contributions for 2020

As we go into a new year, we hold close in our hearts the realization that compassionate care can make the biggest difference in this life we share.
12/31/2020 - TAPS
Your TAPS Family is here for you, with comfort, support and resources every day of the year. This holiday and always, you are not alone.
12/24/2020 - Bonnie Carroll
Treating yourself may be the farthest thing on your mind this season, but it is important to give yourself just a little pleasure, no matter how small.
12/19/2020 - Carol Lane
TAPS Caregiver to Survivor Program Senior Advisor shares her story as an advocate for legislation to ensure Veterans receive the benefits they deserve.
12/17/2020 - Coleen Bowman
The pandemic hasn’t stopped us from lacing up and running, jumping on our bikes, or hiking a trail as we raise funds to support the vital programs of TAPS.
12/16/2020 - TAPS
Video recording discussion on the healing power of being in nature and the role that ecological metaphors can play in helping cope with loss.
12/15/2020 - Christine Norton - Rachel Hunsell
Survivors share their creative ways they have developed holiday traditions to include their loved ones who have passed.
12/12/2020 - Carol Lane
Michael’s tree is a simple and loving way one surviving military family remembers their loved one and finds comfort during the holiday season.
12/8/2020 - Anne Murphy
Video recording discussion on strategies for coping with the challenges of grieving during the holiday season, including how to make the holidays meaningful.
12/8/2020 - Andy McNiel
Get tips from grief experts to help you cope with the loss of a loved one during this holiday season.
12/6/2020 - Bonnie Carroll - Alan Wolfelt
December is always a good time for reflection and a time to gather questions for Saturday Morning Messages in the new year. We want to hear from you!
12/5/2020 - Carol Lane
Acknowledging the difficulties of holidays after loss does not make it easier, but tapping into coping strategies may provide some much-needed help.
12/4/2020 - Kenneth Doka
There are always others who care. Learn the difference and know the signs for when it is time to seek professional help.
12/4/2020 - Patti Anewalt
Military surviving sibling shares the 'missing-ness' of her little brother after 3 years during this holiday season.
12/3/2020 - Kelly Lennon Fitzpatrick
In the midst of winter, we will dig into seasonal impacts of grief and how the world around us can both challenge our hearts and minds.
12/2/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
As we move into the holiday season and approach the end of this difficult year, always remember you have your TAPS Family to lean on.
12/1/2020 - TAPS Media
Video recording discussion on talking to kids about suicide and how child and teen grief after a suicide loss differs from other types of losses.
12/1/2020 - Andy McNiel - Carla Stumpf Patton
What are you grateful for? Will you use the reset created by the pandemic to inventory your gratitude?
11/27/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
Get practical suggestions that will help you survive and still embrace hope during this unique and challenging time.
11/26/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
TAPS is a family and we are here for you, offering comfort, care and understanding. We stand together. You are NOT alone.
11/24/2020 - Bonnie Carroll
Discover creative ideas and strategies for remembering your loved one this holiday season.
11/24/2020 - Allison Gilbert
Our loved ones special talents gives us a unique picture into who they were and provide loving memories too.
11/21/2020 - Carol Lane
Winter and the holiday season bring thoughts of foods that offer warmth, comfort, and remind us of cherished times with family, friends, and loved ones.
11/20/2020 - TAPS
Video recording discussion on creative ways to make this holiday season more meaningful in your grief journey.
11/19/2020 - Maria Georgopoulos
Event Photos: TAPS surviving families learn to grieve as a family with new tools for the path ahead in St. Louis on November 13 to 15, 2020.
11/17/2020 - TAPS Media
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is on Saturday, November 21, 2020 and is intended to be a day of healing throughout the world.
11/16/2020 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Event Photos: TAPS Families virtually attended the New England Patriots Salute to Service held in Foxborough.
11/15/2020 - TAPS Media
Survivors share books that have helped them either with their grief journey or during this time when they are spending more time at home.
11/14/2020 - Carol Lane
Volume 26, Issue 4
11/13/2020 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
There is power in pairing movement with time spent outdoors for our physical, mental and emotional health. Get the resources for your future hiking experiences!
11/13/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
Event Photos: TAPS Families virtually attended the Indianapolis Colts Salute to Service held in Indianapolis.
11/8/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families virtually attended the Atlanta Falcons Salute to Service held in Atlanta.
11/8/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families virtually attended the Los Angeles Chargers Salute to Service held in Los Angeles.
11/8/2020 - TAPS Media
During the pandemic, it has been hard to do the volunteer work that we normally do. This week responders shared ways they have still been able to give back.
11/7/2020 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on some common questions and misunderstandings of what this type of care can provide, especially for veterans.
11/5/2020 - Ryan Weller - Carlos Graveran
Explore the ways in which life's constant changes impact our internal landscapes and share your experience using #tapsoutdoors.
11/4/2020 - Rachel Hunsell - Tony Paz
Event Photos: Survivors share photos on social media as they participated in the virtual outdoors event in October.
11/3/2020 - TAPS Media
This November, we are thankful to continue to connect and gather, to love and support each other, despite the pandemic.
11/1/2020 - TAPS Media
When grief enters your life after the death of a loved one, your emotions seem overwhelming, but TAPS has many supportive resources to help.
10/31/2020 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: TAPS Families virtually attended the Philadelphia Eagles Salute to Service Practice in Philadelphia.
10/31/2020 - TAPS Media
Survivors know that their loved ones’ birthdays and angelversaries can be difficult, so plans are often made to help cope.
10/24/2020 - Carol Lane
Dr. Doka offers suggestions to help make your memorial meaningful despite feeling empty after saying good-bye to a loved one during this pandemic.
10/23/2020 - Kenneth Doka
Video recording discussion on some strategies to distinguish normal grief from depression and some recommendations for how to respond to each.
10/22/2020 - Robert Neimeyer
Understand our need for physical touch and discover tips for feeding your touch starvation during this time of social distancing.
10/20/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
Missed a session? Watch recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual Military Suicide Survivor Seminar and Family Program held in October.
10/19/2020 - TAPS Media
Forest bathing is an actual thing, and we’d love for you to try it this fall as a way to connect with your inner self and the world around you.
10/18/2020 - Emily Munoz
Survivors share occasions that bring pride into their lives when they think of their loved ones to help us create a mental picture of that special person.
10/17/2020 - Carol Lane
TAPS strong partnership with the Veterans' Affairs helps to ensure that veterans and their families receive the care and support they need.
10/16/2020 - TAPS Media
TAPS Survivor Care Team manager shares her motivation to make masks and how sewing is an important part of her self-care routine.
10/16/2020 - Terri Jones
Your TAPS Policy Team is working for you! Stay informed and work with us to protect your earned survivor benefits. Contact us at
10/14/2020 - Candace Wheeler
Video recording discussion on the process of mourning your loved one while forging a new life without them.
10/13/2020 - Kenneth Doka
The TAPS Peer Mentor program can offer you the opportunity to make a difference or provide strength and encouragement as you cope with loss.
10/12/2020 - Rachelle Ellis - Sue Quackenbush
TAPS Outdoors Manager shares lessons learned from her grandmother and how even in her death she made life’s blooms brighter and fuller.
10/10/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
When trauma comes into our lives, it throws our normal patterns into a tailspin. Survivors share strategies which help them when they are unable to sleep.
10/10/2020 - Carol Lane
Talented and passionate Bo and Lynne Cottrell have coordinated the Colorado Celebrity Classic since its inception and are praised for their work.
10/8/2020 - The Villager
Listen to surviving dad Frank Larkin share lessons learned on the lookback in an effort to save lives in honor of his son, Ryan.
10/8/2020 - Frank Larkin
A TAPS survivor shares how going to the Montana Men's Retreat helped him take a burden from his shoulders and his heart as well as heal his family.
10/8/2020 - Perry Monroe
Watch for new videos every Wednesday, do the suggested weekly activity, share your experience using #tapsoutdoors and be inspired to get outdoors!
10/7/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
For 20 years, Team TAPS has honored our heroes and raised awareness of the TAPS mission. Join in the FUN-raising and make a difference.
10/5/2020 - TAPS Media
Survivors share photos and special memories of their loved one's items as well as why they are meaningful to them.
10/3/2020 - Carol Lane
Love, Hope, Family. Three simple words that mean so much. We are forever a family, brought together by grief and forever strong through pride, hope, and love.
10/1/2020 - TAPS Media
On National Coffee Day, we give a huge TAPS Family thank you to Starbucks for providing survivors a comforting place to meet.
9/29/2020 - TAPS
We stop looking for the stars when our loved ones pass. Through the help of friends, we come to a place where we can search for those stars again.
9/26/2020 - Carol Lane
TAPS invites all to celebrate the power of connection through nature with our new series "A Breath of Fresh Air" with #TAPSOutdoors!
9/26/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
A unanimous Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs vote to pass a Landmark Toxic Exposure Bill is the result of TAPS leadership on the issue.
9/24/2020 - TAPS Media
Missed a session? Watch recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual Military Survivor Seminar and Family Program held in September.
9/20/2020 - TAPS Media
Survivors share the habits their loved ones had. Learn more about these special people.
9/19/2020 - Carol Lane
Celebrity Classic to Benefit TAPS offers a virtual event of music, and live, silent and Fund-A-Mission auctions. Love Lives On is live online Friday, October 2, 2020.
9/17/2020 - The Villager
Video recording discussion on the themes common in the grief of young adults and the special features of grief for military-connected young adults.
9/15/2020 - Heather Servaty-Seib - Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth
Volume 26, Issue 3
9/15/2020 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Suicide survivor and TAPS Peer Mentor Jon Ganues shares how giving back to those in his community has helped him heal, grow and honor his son.
9/14/2020 - Jon Ganues
As we begin to look ahead to the holiday season, we are faced with decisions about continuing holiday traditions or starting something new.
9/12/2020 - Carol Lane
September 11, 2001 marked a turning point for our nation and the world. Three TAPS survivors share their thoughts as we reflect on this day.
9/11/2020 - Lisa Dolan - Zach Laychak - Robert Pycior
Event Photos: TAPS supporters join together in supporting the families of our fallen military members.
9/10/2020 - TAPS Media
Surviving father finds his strength when challenged to a five minute plank in honor of his son's birthday. Love Lives On.
9/10/2020 - Don Lipstein
Video recording discussion to learn about PREVENTS and the national public health campaign, REACH, which aims to stop death by suicide.
9/8/2020 - Barbara Van Dahlen - Carolyn Colley
Survivors share how they have put these three concepts into action since the death of their loved one and how these simple acts have led to hope and healing.
9/5/2020 - Carol Lane
We are here for you, offering hope and love. At TAPS, you have so many opportunities to connect, learn, share and grow. We are family.
9/1/2020 - TAPS Media
What is a gift? Our loved ones were our first gift. In this week’s message, survivors have shared both kinds of presents.
8/29/2020 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: TAPS surviving youth participate virtually as a family in a work at your own pace summer camp from July 5 to August 28, 2020.
8/26/2020 - TAPS Media
Missed a session? Watch recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual Military Survivor Seminar and Family Program held in August.
8/23/2020 - TAPS Media
Survivors share their feelings this week about continuing to do events or visit places that once brought pleasure to do with their loved one.
8/22/2020 - Carol Lane
Sharing memories of our loved ones with others who understand brings joy to our hearts and makes TAPS such a special group.
8/15/2020 - Carol Lane
Experiencing times of sadness due to grief can be like ocean waves arriving on the beach. Remember with TAPS you are never alone.
8/8/2020 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on helpful, practical approaches to navigating family dynamics and situations after a death.
8/6/2020 - Rachel Kodanaz
Summer is often filled with activity and as a family we have had a full summer connecting virtually at seminars, family camp, chats and retreats.
8/1/2020 - TAPS Media
When words cannot express your feelings, sometimes displays of keepsakes say it best.
8/1/2020 - Carol Lane
Today, on international friendship day, we remember our deep connections with one another, and the fallen loved ones we honor and remember everyday.
7/30/2020 - Karen Tait
Video recording discussion on strategies to support yourself or someone else anticipating of death of an ill loved one.
7/28/2020 - Kenneth Doka
Terri Jones, Manager for the TAPS Survivor Care Team, shares her story about supporting surviving families who lost their military loved one.
7/27/2020 - New York Life Foundation
On this Parents’ Day, TAPS asked survivors Nicki and Laurie Turner to share what makes their special mother/daughter-in-law relationship work.
7/26/2020 - Lalaine Estella
Sharing food that our loved ones liked is the topic for today’s Saturday Morning Message, because today is Culinarians’ Day.
7/25/2020 - Carol Lane
Where can one escape grief when there is a stay at home order? Surviving spouse found her healing journey involved picking up a pen and paper.
7/23/2020 - Meagan Greygor
Pain can be a valuable teacher. But as much as we may learn from it, we may also feel compelled to avoid it.
7/22/2020 - Emily Munoz
It’s amazing how memories and emotions can attach to objects such as someone’s favorite foods.
7/21/2020 - Ginny Bouchard
Finding love again after the death of an intimate partner can be a joyous experience for those who are ready.
7/20/2020 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Thinking of a book title and then writing a little bit about why that title was chosen gives the readers an idea of the lives these special people lived.
7/18/2020 - Carol Lane
TAPS Military Mentor tells the story of TAPS kids and the loved ones they’ve lost through his tattoos.
7/17/2020 - Kevin Penn
This twenty-year journey is a story filled with passion, determination, reverence, love and a happenstance or two thrown in along the way.
7/16/2020 - TAPS
"Love Lives On" album is a reminder of the guardians of our freedom and a reminder that the family also serves. Ten stories, ten families. Voices united.
7/14/2020 - TAPS
Missed a session? Watch recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual Military Survivor Seminar and Family Program held in July.
7/13/2020 - TAPS Media
Flowers are a treat we can give each other especially when we are down and you can take them to others when they are in need.
7/11/2020 - Carol Lane
Surviving sibling shares her story and mission to increase awareness of the difficulties military families face in order to help them endure, recover and heal.
7/10/2020 - Renee Nickell
A surviving father shares his grief journey in a poem and encourages us that there can be happiness again.
7/8/2020 - Edward Dixon
One surviving spouse shares about teaching her young sons some of the intricacies of adulting — including taxes during this stay at home time.
7/7/2020 - Rachael Hill
TAPS Expeditions are outdoor therapeutic adventures that require participants to step out of their comfort zones, and foster growth in mind, body and spirit.
7/6/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
Celebrate the 4th by virtually traveling to TAPS survivors' favorite places to visit.
7/4/2020 - Carol Lane
Peer support is so important not only for other survivors to know they’re not alone in this journey but also for ourselves. It gives us purpose again in our life.
7/2/2020 - Cella Logan
A surviving mom is grateful for the TAPS Online Community, where there is always someone who is willing to talk about anything.
7/1/2020 - Lydia Burgdorf
Video recording discusses personal stories and adventures and recounts those experiences and share tangible lessons learned.
7/1/2020 - Vern Tejas - Will Gadd
The warm embrace of your TAPS family is as close as your living room, your kitchen table or your front porch.
6/30/2020 - TAPS
Sometimes there are days that are just hard, but not just special occasions like an anniversary, birthday, holiday or angelversary.
6/27/2020 - Carol Lane
A military survivor's passion for art was reawakened after losing his son. Now, acrylic pouring is one way he honors his son and finds joy and healing.
6/25/2020 - Andres Ramos, Jr.
Volume 26, Issue 2
6/24/2020 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
President of American Gold Star Mothers shares how we move forward as a survivor while honoring the service and sacrifice of our military heroes.
6/24/2020 - Mona Gunn
Video recording discussion on how religious and cultural influences may affect extraordinary dreams, visions and journeys that a person experiences.
6/23/2020 - Terri Daniel
A survivor shares how she found purpose from this terrible experience to help others understand the realities and people behind this rare final act.
6/21/2020 - Brittany Noble McCarthy
Sometimes the things our loved ones say stick in our minds and bring back great memories. Read more about some of these memories.
6/20/2020 - Carol Lane
This father's day, surviving daughters share their precious memories of their father and the positive impact he had on their lives and so many others.
6/19/2020 - Caroline Banholzer - Kate Banholzer
If you need assistance with finding a therapist or a program that specializes in trauma care, you can request a counseling referral by calling TAPS.
6/15/2020 - Jennifer Keeling
As the U.S. Army celebrates its 245th birthday on June 14, soldiers and Army families reflect on the rich legacy of the first established service branch.
6/14/2020 - Sue Sawyer
Missed a session? Watch recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual Military Survivor Seminar and Family Program held in June.
6/13/2020 - TAPS Media
Although it can come when you least expect it, our nation is under a great deal of stress and we all feel it.
6/13/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording discussion on the grief experiences of surviving adult siblings and insights on how to reduce the risk of disenfranchising their loss.
6/12/2020 - Christina Zampitella
A surviving mother shares how telling your story can help with coming to terms with your loss while also hopefully finding a measure of peace.
6/10/2020 - Margaret Thomson
Self-care has evolved over time, read some simple ways to accomplish it during this difficult time.
6/6/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording discussion on how to meditate and/or train others to meditate to help reverse the effects of post traumatic stress and trauma.
6/4/2020 - Brad Gallup
Connecting with other survivors and sharing stories of our loved ones is one of the best parts of TAPS.
5/30/2020 - Carol Lane
My son’s death became a catalyst for evaluating what was important: slowing down and enjoying the small things was paramount.
5/29/2020 - Denise Brownlee
Instead of self-care as self-indulgence or avoidance, perhaps it is as any activity that forces us to participate in our emotions, our lives and our bodies.
5/27/2020 - Grace Seamon-Lahiff
TAPS President and founder Bonnie Carroll shares a new resource page to assist the American public in the wake of COVID-19.
5/25/2020 - CNN
TAPS suicide survivors Kim Ruocco and Nicole Langhorst remember the heroic lives their loved ones lived with CNN's Brianna Keilar this Memorial Day.
5/25/2020 - CNN
Missed a session? Watch Memorial Day weekend recorded sessions of the 2020 Virtual National Military Survivor Seminar and Family Program.
5/25/2020 - TAPS Media
Created for the 2020 Virtual National Military Survivor Seminar, these leading experts in self-care share methods of healing for body, mind, and soul.
5/24/2020 - TAPS Media
If someone were to greet you saying 'Happy Memorial Day' how would you respond? Has your answer changed since your loss?
5/23/2020 - Carol Lane
From one stressed-out COVID shut-in to all of you out there doing your best to get through the day, here is a pandemic playlist.
5/22/2020 - Grace Seamon-Lahiff
View our tribute to all those who have served, for all those whose names now reside in stone - you are forever in our hearts and we remember you.
5/22/2020 - TAPS Media
When you are feeling like you are pushing a boulder up a hill going nowhere, take some time to recharge your batteries.
5/21/2020 - Grace Seamon-Lahiff
In 2019, TAPS embarked upon a recording project of ten original songs that honor the lives of our servicemen and women written by TAPS families.
5/20/2020 - Love Lives On Music
Our National Seminar may be online this week, but the love, hope and sense of family remains strong.
5/20/2020 - Marie Campbell
PREVENTS task force was established to change the culture surrounding mental health and suicide prevention to empower veterans and address suicide.
5/18/2020 - Carolyn Colley
Participate online in the company of others through a variety of sessions this memorial day weekend at the Virtual National Seminar.
5/16/2020 - Carol Lane
Our focus might have shifted since the New Year but we can use this time to learn new ways to cope and make us physically and mentally stronger.
5/16/2020 - Jennifer Keeling
TAPS President and founder Bonnie Carroll announces the launch of a new resource page to assist the American public in the wake of COVID-19.
5/15/2020 - CNN
This video recording discusses how to ensure a focus on self-care and wellness while honoring one's grief.
5/14/2020 - Patti Anewalt
A surviving spouse is getting through the virus craziness by knitting prayer shawls for patients at a local nursing home and the hospice facility.
5/13/2020 - Elizabeth Cimini
This video recording discusses clearing clutter while lingering over cherished memories to boost happiness.
5/12/2020 - Allison Gilbert
Survivors wrote this week about how they were encouraged and motivated by their childhood teachers.
5/9/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording for professional caregivers of military survivors discusses processing difficult emotions in grief such as guilt, anger, and shame.
5/7/2020 - Kenneth Doka - Dale Larson
This video recording addresses natural stress responses and how we can effectively and counteract them.
5/5/2020 - Tara Woodruff Dukes
Preserve your veteran's legacy in the Library of Congress so that others will have an opportunity to learn of their service, and be inspired by their actions.
5/3/2020 - Kerry Ward
From gardening to fun indoor crafts, survivors share what they are doing now that they have to spend time at home.
5/2/2020 - Carol Lane
With no firm end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be time to take a look at what we’re eating for more energy and a better mood!
5/1/2020 - Joanne Steen
April 30 is National Therapy Animal Day, a day to recognize animals who bring unconditional love, comfort and healing to their human companions.
4/30/2020 - Beamer Burleson
This video recording explores ways to create family grief connections at home and create a safe space for grief conversations with kids and teens.
4/30/2020 - Vicki Jay
This video recording discusses the TAPS Peer Mentors program and the ability for peers to help to nurture this potential in others.
4/28/2020 - Kellie Hazlett
Love Lives on album goes on pre-order May 22. Read about the album and the meaningful songs shared by TAPS survivors.
4/25/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording with former NFL quarterback discusses strategies for building resilience for staying mentally and physically healthy.
4/23/2020 - Eric Hipple
At TAPS, we have witnessed over and over the healing power of connecting to the Earth and all of its wonder as part of our journeys of grief.
4/22/2020 - TAPS Media
This memorial month of May, Carry the Load goes virtual to honor our nation’s heroes: military, veterans, first responders and their families.
4/22/2020 - TAPS
This video recording with Tessy Ojo discusses choosing hope to alleviate the pain of the present uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic.
4/21/2020 - Tessy Ojo
A group of TAPS survivors traveled to East Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Although on different journeys, they are all connected.
4/21/2020 - Rachel Hunsell
This video recording explores how to ask and answer in ways that are truthful and productive and strengthen feelings of belonging and connection.
4/20/2020 - Erin Jacobson - Emily Munoz
TAPS Legacy and Military mentors change the lives of hundreds of surviving military children each year by providing one-to-one care and companionship.
4/20/2020 - TAPS Media
The way kids respond to stress can look different from adults. Here are some ideas to support your family through this challenging time.
4/20/2020 - Sara Firestone
After Sonia lost John she had to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. She built something beautiful on the foundation of his love for her.
4/19/2020 - Sonia Rai
For those of us who have pets, they offer much comfort when our lives have been turned upside down.
4/18/2020 - Carol Lane
COVID-19 has impacted all of us in ways we might not have expected. Here are some practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety.
4/17/2020 - Kim Ruocco
This video recording of the TAPS Talks conversation discusses four questions you can use to help you and your children find positive ways to cope.
4/17/2020 - Stephanie Heitkemper
This video recording of the live connection discusses expecting good news, seeing the good and the potential for light in what feels like unending darkness.
4/16/2020 - Laura Biddle - Kim Burditt - Matt Mabe
Sometimes we can't sleep because we have trained our brains to associate our bed with thoughts, feelings, and behaviors other than sleep.
4/16/2020 - Grace Seamon-Lahiff
Learn about veterans benefits with experts from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
4/15/2020 - Department of Veterans Affairs
Loss naturally makes us fearful because it disrupts our feelings of stability. Dr. Wolfelt has tips to helps you deal with anxiety and fear.
4/14/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
Amanda lost both her brother and her boyfriend. She recounts how her TAPS family has helped her in her grief journey.
4/14/2020 - Amanda Klager
Ideas from the book “Healing Your Grieving Heart After A Military Death – 100 Practical Ideas for Families and Friends” written by TAPS Founder and President Bonnie Carroll and Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.
4/14/2020 - Bonnie Carroll - Alan Wolfelt
This live connection with James Gordon provides some practical guidance in restoring balance and promoting health in the trauma-heavy time.
4/14/2020 - James Gordon
TAPS hosted a Facebook Live event with six-time Pro Bowler, Alex Mack of the Atlanta Falcons and TAPS families got to ask him their questions.
4/14/2020 - Alex Meyers
On National Pet Day, a holiday celebrating our loving animals and the joy they bring to our lives, survivors share stories and photos of their pets.
4/11/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording of the TAPS Talks conversation is about sharing the TAPS mission, grief support services offered, and casework support available.
4/10/2020 - Bonnie Carroll - Audri Beugelsdijk - Brittany Bonin-Bruder
Lauren Griffin lost her twin brother who was killed in Afghanistan. She recalls happy childhood memories as National Siblings Day approaches.
4/10/2020 - Lauren Griffin
Soon after their brother was killed in action, Katie and Beth decided to live like he would want them to live. To celebrate his memory and to add new memories.
4/9/2020 - Katie Martin - Beth Martin
Maggie Bainbridge has always loved having a plan for everything. But then, her husband died. Having strong Faith has helped her through uncertain times.
4/9/2020 - Maggie Bainbridge
This video recording of the TAPS Talks with Heather Stang allows participants to experience the power of RAIN meditation to ease difficult emotions.
4/9/2020 - Heather Stang
Elizabeth made a family coat of arms for history class at her school in Maryland. She writes of how her family's resiliency inspired the project.
4/8/2020 - Elizabeth Bainbridge
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection discusses stress responses, explore where they hide in our lives, and recognize ways we rely on them.
4/8/2020 - Emily Munoz - Tabitha Bonilla
Coleen Bowman lost her husband to a rare illness related to toxic exposure. After he passed she wanted to honor him by helping other survivors.
4/7/2020 - Coleen Bowman
Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt shares tips on how to communicate with your children about the corona virus.
4/7/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
We can't control everything that happens in our lives. Sometimes we can't even control our emotions. But we can control how we respond to them.
4/7/2020 - Grace Seamon-Lahiff
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Ken Doka discusses how to understand and balance different styles in these challenging times.
4/7/2020 - Kenneth Doka
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection shares some tools for self-discovery as a way to examine how to reclaim our identities.
4/6/2020 - Erin Jacobson
Anna Steg's fiancé was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2019, 6 months before their wedding date. Her support system has helped her through this time.
4/5/2020 - Anna Steg
Read positive things to do to help with the feelings of isolation you may have from being away from your normal social routine.
4/4/2020 - Carol Lane
Volume 26, Issue 1
4/3/2020 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection shares ideas for exploring beneficial outdoor activities and how it can boost your mood and relieve stress.
4/3/2020 - Tony Paz - Rachel Hunsell - Gabriel Rao
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection shares ideas that will help us as we help our kids with their anxiety, stress, and uncertainty.
4/2/2020 - Pamela Gabbay
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection discusses the concerns faced by grieving grandparents and ways to find meaning in the loss.
4/1/2020 - Kenneth Doka - Dana O'Brien - Linda O'Brien
Young military survivors have a safe space at TAPS, where they can explore their grief and embrace healing, camaraderie, mentorship, and laughter.
4/1/2020 - TAPS Media
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Paul Metzler discusses how someone who is grieving can to respond to hurtful comments.
3/31/2020 - Paul Metzler
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Franklin Cook addresses stress and substance use, whether for yourself or for a loved one.
3/29/2020 - Franklin Cook
How one TAPS family deals with COVID-19 by giving back and sewing face masks for their community.
3/29/2020 - Susie Ristau
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Rachel Kodanaz offers creative activities that families can do to get through this challenging time.
3/28/2020 - Rachel Kodanaz
Dr. Joel Fish and Bob Delaney share how life lessons of sports can be applied to help control feelings of anxiety and fear during this coronavirus pandemic.
3/28/2020 - Joel Fish - Robert Delaney
April Fools’ Day is coming up! Read survivor stories about their loved ones’ sense of humor.
3/28/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Dale Larson shares ways to cope with feelings of loneliness.
3/27/2020 - Dale Larson
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection with Heather Stang discusses helpful ideas and tips to promote better sleep.
3/26/2020 - Heather Stang
Dr. Alan Wolfelt shares what this pandemic of grief is and how to help yourself and others emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
3/26/2020 - Alan Wolfelt
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection explores the importance of gratitude and methods to incorporate it within our daily lives.
3/25/2020 - Erin Jacobson
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection is about how to maintain mental health and wellness during changes in the family dynamics.
3/24/2020 - Kim Ruocco - Carla Stumpf Patton
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection is about setting healthy and realistic goals, planning meals, and tying it all together in the kitchen.
3/23/2020 - Kristen McGill
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection explores explores strategies for navigating today's world.
3/22/2020 - Robert Delaney
Survivors share favorite songs and how music can help us and enable us to tell others about our loved ones.
3/21/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection explores whether lessons learned from grief can provide us confidence and calm now.
3/21/2020 - Emily Munoz
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection looks at how we can effectively cope with the range of emotions that may occur during stressful times.
3/20/2020 - William Hoy
The title track is dedicated to the life of Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Carroll. It was co-written by Bonnie Carroll, Richie McDonald, Frank Myers and Jimmy Nichols.
3/20/2020 - Love Lives On Music
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection discusses meditation techniques to apply during a regular meditation practice, or in real life situations.
3/19/2020 - Heather Stang
This video recording of the TAPS Talks connection discusses how current conditions may complicate the grief of persons currently experiencing loss.
3/18/2020 - Bonnie Carroll - Kenneth Doka - Audri Beugelsdijk
Learn ways to get more rest when your sleep is broken following the loss of a loved one.
3/14/2020 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: TAPS Survivors learn to trust their guides, their gear, their team and their-selves backpacking at Point Reyes National Seashore.
3/12/2020 - TAPS Media
Several members of the TAPS Family were key to the efforts that ultimately axed the Widow's Tax.
3/10/2020 - TAPS Media
This video recording discusses how surviving male spouses can find ways to honor their spouse or partner who has died while choosing to love again.
3/10/2020 - Justin Yopp - Warren Pellegrin
Event Photos: TAPS Survivors move beyond your comfort zone with the support of others who understand in Anchorage, Alaska.
3/8/2020 - TAPS Media
Stress and anxiety are emotions felt by grieving people. Get ideas on what brings comfort when these emotions appear.
3/7/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording discusses how surviving female spouses can find ways to honor their spouse or partner who has died while choosing to love again.
3/5/2020 - Carla Stumpf Patton - Susan Starnes
Event Photos: TAPS Survivors share a truly fearless journey climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa on February 21 to March 3, 2020.
3/5/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the Miranda Lambert Meet & Greet in Denver, Colorado.
3/2/2020 - TAPS Media
We are a nationwide network of military survivors ready to embrace all who grieve the death of a military loved one with grief resources, services and programs.
3/1/2020 - TAPS Impact
Event Photos: TAPS women take steps toward transforming their life in Savannah, Georgia .
3/1/2020 - TAPS Media
Often while grieving we care for others in our circle, but it is really important to take a bit of time each day to do something we enjoy.
2/29/2020 - Carol Lane
Melissa will be presented with the Military Mentor of the Year at the TAPS Honor Guard Gala in Washington, D.C. on March 18.
2/28/2020 - TAPS
A walk outside is a relatively simple thing to do that offers so many benefits to the mind, body, and spirit.
2/27/2020 - Tony Paz
Event Photos: TAPS fundraiser held in Jupiter, Florida by hosts Tom and Sharon Chisholm
2/27/2020 - TAPS Media
This video recording of the webinar shares resources and information to help support children with autism who are facing grief and loss.
2/25/2020 - Meggie Beaudoin-Kobb - David Stevenson
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the SEAL Team Premiere in Los Angeles, California.
2/25/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Adult and Youth Survivors come together in fellowship in Dallas Texas.
2/23/2020 - TAPS Media
When survivors go to the cemetery to spend time, they bring items that are meaningful to their loved one and themselves.
2/22/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording of the webinar looks at how we can effectively cope with the range of emotions that may occur when caregiving has ended.
2/18/2020 - William Hoy
Event Photos: Military families from TAPS received the opportunity to hear songs from the upcoming album entitled, Love Lives On for the first time ever.
2/17/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS surviving families learn to grieve as a family with new tools for the path ahead in Waialua.
2/16/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the NBA All Star Weekend held in Chicago.
2/16/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the New Jersey Devils Squad 21 Game in Newark, New Jersey.
2/16/2020 - TAPS Media
No matter which TAPS event you choose to attend, the support you will find is comforting, as you will read in the responses survivors share this week.
2/15/2020 - Carol Lane
Survivor Ellen Andrews shares her healing journey on the 25th anniversary of losing her fiancé on Valentine's Day in 1995.
2/12/2020 - Ellen Andrews
This video recording of the workshop looks at how to navigate our way through the waves of grief with the agility of a seasoned kayaker.
2/11/2020 - Thom Dennis
Did your loved one have a favorite hobby or collection that he or she found relaxing?
2/8/2020 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the Washington Capitals Game in LiUNA Suite in Washington, D.C.
2/8/2020 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Members of Congress attend a reception to celebrate the elimination of the Widows Tax.
2/5/2020 - TAPS Media
What is one dish you ate that brought you comfort in the early stages of your loss?
2/1/2020 - Carol Lane
This video recording of the workshop myths and realities of relationship strife after the loss of a child and tools to honor and reconnect.
1/28/2020 - Tina Barrett - Kim Parrow
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the NFL Pro Bowl Military Weekend in Orlando, Florida.
1/27/2020 - TAPS Media
What is one of the funniest things your loved one did?
1/25/2020 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: Survivors set sail together in fellowship on a cruise to the Caribbean.
1/18/2020 - TAPS Media
What do you think your loved one would say to you today?
1/18/2020 - Carol Lane
Survivor's share their resolutions for hope and healing for the coming year.
1/11/2020 - Carol Lane
Would you share a special item of your loved one that will help us get to know that person better?
1/4/2020 - Carol Lane
Learn which foods are best for you, why they are good, and how they either enhance or hinder your healing from trauma.
1/1/2020 - James Gordon