Contributions for 2016

“Looking forward to future webinars like those that I have been able to attend to get some help in my journey.”
12/27/2016 - TAPS
Volunteers supported almost every program within TAPS, from our Good Grief Camps to adult programming to Team TAPS races.
12/26/2016 - TAPS
TAPS honored our heroes at baseball games in a dozen cities, hung out in the pits at NASCAR and watched horses soar over jumps.
12/25/2016 - TAPS
"Thanks for all your smiles and laughter for those 26 years, Marcus!”
12/24/2016 - Carol Lane
TAPS Peer Mentors are dedicated to being a constant source of support to their mentees, showing patience and understanding in all situations.
12/24/2016 - TAPS
TAPS can connect you to available support right in your community — especially at the holidays.
12/23/2016 - TAPS
Benefits are available to attend the school of your dreams.
12/22/2016 - TAPS
Greg Olsen and the Carolina Panthers honor TAPS Survivors.
12/21/2016 - TAPS Media
Volume 22, Issue 4
12/20/2016 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Sometimes Casework assistance comes in the form of a financial miracle and other times just a helpful nudge in the right direction when you need it most.
12/20/2016 - TAPS
Survivors pushed themselves to new heights, hope and healing through hiking, swimming with whale sharks, snorkeling, dog sledding, horseback riding and more.
12/19/2016 - TAPS
From Disney to Alaska, Team TAPS pounded out over 15,000 miles in 2016 to honor our fallen heroes and raise money and awareness for our TAPS families.
12/19/2016 - TAPS
At TAPS, we want every child who has lost a fallen hero to know they don't have to grow up alone.
12/18/2016 - TAPS
We can honor our heroes and share their stories while blazing a trail of our own.
12/17/2016 - TAPS
When a loved one dies, it can be hard to face the upcoming time and keep the same traditions.
12/17/2016 - Carol Lane
TAPS heals hearts, brings hope and lets our families know they aren’t alone.
12/16/2016 - TAPS
TAPS Online Community fosters special connections among survivors with real-time conversations, message boards and peer-based sharing groups.
12/15/2016 - TAPS
These roses are still blooming despite freezing temperatures. Isn’t that what we survivors are doing? We are blooming even through severe trauma..
12/10/2016 - Carol Lane
As 2016 comes to a close, it is time for many of us to look at where we are now on our grief journey and what has helped us.
12/3/2016 - Carol Lane
This webinar provides tools for navigating the holidays after the loss of a loved one.
11/30/2016 - TAPS Media
Because it is Thanksgiving weekend, this message features a list of resources TAPS provides that I am thankful for as a survivor.
11/26/2016 - Carol Lane
Event Photos, TAPS Families join Atlanta Falcons for Practice and Game Day
11/26/2016 - TAPS Media
Solitude can offer a time of reflection that allows us to explore our thoughts and synthesize information, provides a time for rest, and can allow for growth.
11/21/2016 - Audri Beugelsdijk
There are small reminders from our loved ones waiting this season to come softly and tap us on the shoulder and say, "I'm still here. I’m still walking with you."
11/21/2016 - Bevin Landrum
Like clay on a potter’s wheel, we are continually sculpted into a work of art through our life experiences, including our grief journey.
11/21/2016 - Doug Windley
Hold your loved ones close to your heart with rich memories to warm your season. Allow yourself the energy to focus on a few small projects to bring cheer.
11/21/2016 - Bevin Landrum
TAPS Education Support Services is available to help you throughout the college and scholarship application process.
11/21/2016 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
Creating connection for a blended family builds a strong foundation for the future.
11/21/2016 - August Cabrera
But that’s the beauty of the Richard Tree. When people see it for the first time, the ornaments require the telling of moments in our son’s life.
11/21/2016 - Ester Allgower
When your family circle has been broken by death, holidays are a reminder of the empty spot at the table, the hole in your heart.
11/21/2016 - TAPS
For some of us, happy and merry and joy are the remotest emotions of our heart during the holiday season. Too many memories. Too many traditions.
11/21/2016 - Jeff Brookshire
We are a family of survivors sharing this journey together. We are so sorry for what brought you to us but are indeed glad you have found us.
11/21/2016 - Zaneta Gileno
TAPS is so grateful for Lenzy's service to our country and willingness to share his talent as a photographer to help TAPS tell our story through images.
11/21/2016 - Paige Williams
As we grieve, the need for continuity drives us to look beyond the physical body, to embrace love that doesn't stop when life does
11/21/2016 - Emily Munoz
Nine unique ways to change your perspective from one of grief and loss to one of hope and engagement.
11/21/2016 - Emily Munoz
This week we explore strategies on how to turn the anger that comes with grief into more of a focus on the pride for our loved one’s service.
11/19/2016 - Carol Lane
Some days, it feels like a long stretch to be thankful for these seemingly harsh lessons in my life, but it's a necessary part of healing as I turn grief into gratitude.
11/16/2016 - Amy Dozier
There is no right or wrong way for your teen to grieve, but these tips can help keep your teen's mind, body and soul healthy during such a tumultuous period of time.
11/14/2016 - Renee Monczynski
Event Photos
11/13/2016 - TAPS Media
Everyone walks a path on their own, but we can share some emotions together. That is what makes us a family.
11/12/2016 - Carol Lane
Event Photos
11/9/2016 - TAPS Media
As you read answers from survivors, living life after the loss of a loved one is not easy, but we all take up the challenge in different ways.
11/5/2016 - Carol Lane
For Oshkosh Defense Army Ten-Miler runners, the weekend experience was about humbly and proudly wearing their hero’s photo on their Team TAPS jersey.
10/29/2016 - TAPS
Today survivors share helpful tips to get through this season as well as other ideas from TAPS on getting through the holidays while you are grieving.
10/29/2016 - Carol Lane
Have you ever wondered, “Where do I go from here?” I was there four years ago after my oldest son, Joshua, died by suicide.
10/23/2016 - TAPS
This week, there were many replies to the question about moving or staying in the place you shared with your loved one and how you handle going to places that were special if you decide to stay.
10/22/2016 - Carol Lane
The only thing that has been my saving grace is knowing the loss I experienced has given me the unique tools to help others know what they are feeling is normal.
10/16/2016 - Mark Evans
Because the soulmate relationship is by definition built upon a particularly strong attachment, the grief that follows the tearing-apart of that relationship is particularly strong.
10/16/2016 - TAPS
Event Photos
10/16/2016 - TAPS Media
Two survivors talk about their experiences at Seminars and one survivor describes her experience at Retreats.
10/15/2016 - Carol Lane
Throughout the next days, weeks and months of initial grief, the pain seemed unending, relentless. Nights dragged on and minutes seemed like hours.
10/12/2016 - Gloria McDaniel
Survivors remember what was supportive and helpful when they were first grieving as well as what they do now when a death happens in their network of family or friends.
10/8/2016 - Carol Lane
Event Photos
10/8/2016 - TAPS Media
"I just started crying," Cindy said about learning about Team TAPS for the first time. "I was like 'this is what I need to do."
10/5/2016 - TAPS
And so TAPS was born, from a visceral understanding that feeling trapped, alone and emotionally confined is not the end of the journey.
10/1/2016 - Emily Munoz
The seasonal changes of the Earth are similar to the emotions survivors feel after the death of a loved one. We change as we travel through our personal journey.
10/1/2016 - Carol Lane
On June 25, 1996, the terrorist bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia took the lives of 19 U.S. Air Force personnel and wounded hundreds more.
10/1/2016 - Marie Campbell
For many, this is the one place they can be authentic in their grief and feel a deep connection to others.
10/1/2016 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Volunteers could be found passing out goody bags, making sure kids were hydrated, leading craft activities, and helping campers off the zip line.
10/1/2016 - TAPS
As long as you aren’t crying so hard that it hinders you from sharing your story, it’s all right to keep going.
10/1/2016 - Kelly Griffith
Our grief created a monster in our kitchen. Someday, we will hopefully find ourselves cooking together and remembering only the happy times spent in that space.
10/1/2016 - Patty Reis
Instead, we question our own mortality, fear the loss of others close to us and must come to understand that life is worth living and there is hope in our tomorrow.
10/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
Trust your grief skills and allow yourself to breathe in the sacred space where we honor those who are gone too soon from our lives but never our hearts.
10/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
Bonnie Carroll and other TAPS survivors have embraced EOIR into the TAPS family at the golf outing and other events throughout the year.
10/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
I have been able to face my fears daily. They don’t rule my life. I choose to be happy. I choose not to quit. I choose to take a chance.
10/1/2016 - Linda Ambard
"There is nothing we can do for a survivor to replace the loss, but what we can do is we can work to replace the painful memories with new ones..." Gen. Dempsey
10/1/2016 - Diana Hosford
There are people who will step into your life. They will take hold, and they will help you through the turbulence. TAPS has brought many special people into my life: friends who I’ve made through Good Grief Camps, outstanding leaders and mentors.
10/1/2016 - Connor McCracken
I might as well understand that I’m in a match where grief is my opponent for life. But my life can still be happy, hopeful and full of love.
10/1/2016 - Sandra Egts
I was inspired by Brandi Burke, a first-time TAPS volunteer who quite literally rolled up the sleeves and went above and beyond for our families.
10/1/2016 - Paige Williams
"This year we wanted something different, something that would honor our military and at the same time perhaps have an impact on our girls."
10/1/2016 - Ron Bevan
One of the pitfalls of practicing mindfulness is the myth that you have to have a clear mind to be a "good" mediator.
10/1/2016 - Heather Stang
Proceeds from the Colorado Celebrity Classic events help sponsor vital TAPS programs, events and healing support for families.
10/1/2016 - TAPS
Event Photos
9/30/2016 - TAPS Media
I felt the wind sweep across my face and a warmness in my soul. I knew it was my Brian telling me it was OK — I could let go, live my life and take care of myself.
9/28/2016 - Nicole Crans
Volume 22, Issue 3
9/21/2016 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Event Photos
9/14/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
9/8/2016 - TAPS Media
This 30-second public service announcement (PSA) serves to raise awareness about suicide and prevention.
9/7/2016 - TAPS Media
This webinar is in support of National Suicide Prevention Month to raise awareness and the best information on prevention and reporting.
9/6/2016 - TAPS
Event Photos
9/4/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
9/1/2016 - TAPS Media
When survivors share stories and photos of sports memories with their loved one, teams4taps works to create opportunities with those teams.
8/21/2016 - TAPS
Event Photos
8/17/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
8/13/2016 - TAPS Media
USA Basketball continued their partnership with the U.S. Military this summer as they teamed up with TAPS.
8/12/2016 - TAPS Media
As the family of Sgt. Nick Pansini told the story of his suicide in 2010, the reason for TAPS became crystal clear: We care!
8/11/2016 - Christine Burtt
Survivor parent, Jonathan Jay Gee, Sr. shares how TAPS has helped him, his family and friends cope with his military son's suicide.
8/10/2016 - Jonathan Jay Gee Sr.
We recognize in the past week many across our TAPS Family are feeling the fatigue of political debate and fighting. Our primary mission remains your comfort and care.
8/3/2016 - TAPS
"By observing nature you begin to sense the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces of life... ” – Deepak Chopra
8/1/2016 - Bonnie Carroll - Alan Wolfelt
How do you know if you are ready to be invited into another person’s life and walk alongside them in their grief?
8/1/2016 - August Cabrera
The grief journey is not individualistic, but rather to be shared and undergirded by the communal sense of our own mortality.
8/1/2016 - Gloria Horsley
Grief is an individual process. Camp can give us permission to be exactly where we are, at each precise moment, on our very personal grief journey.
8/1/2016 - Molly Pickett - Tina Barrett
Books can be a helpful way to encourage kids to talk about their own grief.
8/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall
Social media has forever expanded the way we express sorrow and grief. Online grieving and condolences are part of a standard ritual in the aftermath of tragedy and death.
8/1/2016 - Claire Henline
Campers and mentors are busy from the moment the National Good Grief Camp starts forming bonds that will last throughout the weekend and beyond.
8/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall
Walking group programs offer participants an opportunity to share, re-energize and learn from others who have also experienced grief.
8/1/2016 - Lalaine Estella
After losing a sibling, it can be difficult to rebuild because part of you is missing. Read one sibling survivor's story of love and hope and how he copes.
8/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
To the military and veterans communities, nothing is more sacred or honored than the families of those who are grieving the death of their fallen military hero.
8/1/2016 - TAPS
I ignored the calls at first. I made sure everyone else in my family was okay first: my mom, my sisters, Tray’s mom, Jaxon. But what about me?
8/1/2016 - Chris Daniel
In the early days of grief, it can seem impossible to find anything that anchors us back to a sense of stability, especially when hope feels to be out of sight or grasp.
8/1/2016 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Whatever route you choose to take along your grief journey, TAPS will be there offering you care, support and encouragement every step of the way.
8/1/2016 - Carla Stumpf Patton
War correspondent and documentarian Sebastian Junger’s latest book deals with the failure of American society to reintegrate American soldiers returning home from combat.
8/1/2016 - Jerry Landrum
Our Care Groups are a space to come together for tears, but also for laughter. To sit in silence or to unload a burden. Our groups are big enough for all of that and everything in between.
8/1/2016 - Zaneta Gileno
TAPS family stories of healing transcend cultural boundaries. We blend our traditions into a shared celebration as we honor the memories of those we loved and lost.
8/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
When you are ready to become newly proud of who you are and how you are living, then it’s time to connect with your Inner Warrior.
8/1/2016 - Emily Munoz
And so TAPS was born, from a visceral understanding that feeling trapped, alone and emotionally confined is not the end of the journey.
8/1/2016 - Emily Munoz
It was important to Daniel that he provide a meaningful experience for the grieving child so that they could both grow and support each other throughout the National Good Grief Camp.
8/1/2016 - Paige Williams
Event Photos
7/29/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
7/22/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
7/18/2016 - TAPS Media
Walking with thousands of people in grief has resulted in an “educated heart” that has led to an acceptance of my role as a responsible rebel.
7/18/2016 - Alan Wolfelt
TAPS Peer Mentors are like being fitted with a prosthetic limb after the loss of your own.
7/18/2016 - Misty Blum
Adults and kids of fallen heroes find peace and connections at TAPS IslandWood Family Campout.
7/14/2016 - Chelsea Martin
Sometimes in grief, you will get angry at your loved one. A surviving spouse shares the side of grief we won't always admit - we get mad at our heroes for leaving.
7/8/2016 - Linda Ambard
The 2016 Senator Ted Stevens Leadership Award was presented to surviving daughter Taylor Dudley at the TAPS Honor Guard Gala on March 6.
7/5/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
6/23/2016 - TAPS Media
Volume 22, Issue 2
6/21/2016 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
With few memories of her father, one surviving daughter is connecting with the man he was and his lasting impact 25 years later and finding ways to honor him on Father's Day with TAPS.
6/19/2016 - Allicia Johnson
A surviving daughter reflects on Father's Day on learning to see in herself the love he had for his family.
6/19/2016 - Gabrielle Herman
Event Photos
6/18/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
6/14/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
6/3/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
5/30/2016 - TAPS Media
Memorial Day is a day where I remember my friends, family and brothers who served in the military with me. I now understand the significance of the day.
5/24/2016 - Angel Munoz
The American flag next to a banner was designed by Anne, mother of Michael, placed in a mall near her home to remind people of Memorial Day’s meaning.
5/21/2016 - Carol Lane
“Remember us,” he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be.
5/21/2016 - Claire Henline
"This Memorial Day marks a new chapter in my life where I understand the importance of grief..."
5/18/2016 - Allicia Johnson
One day to honor our fallen and one day to honor our veterans. Do you know the difference?
5/18/2016 - Toni Gross
He and all of the other’s who have paid the ultimate sacrifice will be honored on this day, and we as a grateful nation will pause to remember.
5/18/2016 - Taylor Strong
Military survivors can find pets provide comfort during their time of grieving and as they try to adjust to a life of loss.
5/16/2016 - Carol Lane
When Linda Ambard's military husband was assassinated she lost hope. Then she met a man who saw her for more than just her story.
5/16/2016 - Linda Ambard
Ms. Ruocco provides a comprehensive understanding of suicide prevention and postvention based on both her professional and personal experiences.
5/12/2016 - CSPAN Media
Surviving son Jacob Centeno shares his journey and TAPS experience.
5/10/2016 - TAPS Media
Mothers' Day for those who've lost both a child and a mother is a unique experience.
5/8/2016 - Carol Lane
Cinco de Mayo marks the day of my dad and my last journey, our last playlist, at Arlington National Cemetery.
5/5/2016 - Claire Henline
Event Photos
5/4/2016 - TAPS Media
This webinar is in support of National Suicide Prevention Month to raise awareness and the best information on prevention and reporting.
4/26/2016 - TAPS
Lack of concentration is a normal response to a grieving family member and military survivors. Read this article for suggestions on coping strategies.
4/16/2016 - Carol Lane
Marathon 100 can be about surviving the Heartbreak Hill of life and pushing through my fear to take back my life one step at a time.
4/15/2016 - Linda Ambard
The 2016 TAPS Honor Guard Gala, held on April 6 at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.
4/15/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
4/13/2016 - TAPS Media
Often messages people in grief are given are in opposition to stillness. The paradox for many grievers as they try to move forward, they often lose their way.
4/11/2016 - Alan Wolfelt
Each connection between a mentor and a mentee is unique. For Brittany Johnstone, her mentee relationships develop through texting, social media and email.
4/10/2016 - TAPS
Marine General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivered remarks at the TAPS Honor Guard Gala in Washington, D.C.
4/9/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
4/6/2016 - TAPS Media
An Army chaplain shares her story of loss and finding hope again after a battle buddy's death by suicide.
4/4/2016 - Melinda Russell
Military families are frequently called to live far from home and look for ways to maintain close connections to those they love and miss.
4/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
I come from a family that understands that freedom is a privilege that must be protected, and that love is the deepest blessing.
4/1/2016 - Bonnie Carroll
Winter can be a harsh, bleak expanse of empty days and introspection. We often consider how to face another spring without our loved ones.
4/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
Good Grief Campout activities create the perfect backdrop for rituals that honor and remember loved ones.
4/1/2016 - TAPS
The best way to move forward and honor the memory of a fallen loved one is to remember them. Celebrate the stories that cherish your hero’s life.
4/1/2016 - Bevin Landrum
TAPS hosts the National Military Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp over Memorial Day weekend. It is a sacred time where we gather as family to share the journey.
4/1/2016 - Jennifer McCollum-Allen
Peer mentors are an important part of the TAPS family. We are grateful for the time they give helping other survivors heal.
4/1/2016 - TAPS
I lost 150 pounds that came from the deepest folds of my heart and radiated out into every fiber of my mind, body and spirit. What’s left of that weight sits in an urn on the table in my living room. My son Brandon.
4/1/2016 - Paula Stephens
My parents survived the Holocaust, so people who had been wrenched through horror and loss raised me.
4/1/2016 - Sherry Amatenstein
Coming from a military family culture where we "walk it off" and "rub some dirt on it," we don't always allow ourselves time to move forward with gentleness.
4/1/2016 - Kelly Griffith
Since 2001, DynCorp International has lost 84 teammates while supporting our nation’s foreign policy objectives.
4/1/2016 - TAPS
TAPS families use endurance challenge events to highlight the physical activities that once inspired their fallen heroes.
4/1/2016 - Carol Bazemore
As surviving families, we know we are part of this larger American legacy of grief and loss. How does Memorial Day change for us when the holiday becomes personal?
4/1/2016 - Emily Munoz
My heart was pounding, and I was running late for the 2 p.m. training I had been told to attend, but not only could I not find the room.
4/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall
The pain you feel when you are in grief is intricately connected to – and intimately tangled up with – the love you felt, and still feel, for the person who died.
4/1/2016 - Franklin Cook
Yet, where once we were only trying to find our way in the aftermath, there has been, and continues to be, rebuilding and remodeling.
4/1/2016 - Kim Ruocco and Emily Munoz
This guide can help you understand how grief affects children, and offers ways to help children through the grieving process.
3/31/2016 - TAPS
In loving memory of a dad I can’t remember on his 40th Angelversary.
3/27/2016 - Allicia Johnson
Navigating loss and grief with your adult children and your new relationship.
3/22/2016 - Linda Ambard
Volume 22, Issue 1
3/21/2016 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Often, perfect is the enemy of good enough, especially when it comes to our own well-being. Our challenge to you is to start imperfectly right now.
3/20/2016 - TAPS
Military survivor and widow, Kim Ruocco, shares how important it is that we send positive messages to today's vets.
3/15/2016 - Kim Ruocco
Event Photos
3/15/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
3/8/2016 - TAPS Media
In a new relationship, a surviving spouse talks about the choice between allowing it to move forward in hope or protecting herself from losing again.
2/29/2016 - Linda Ambard
A surviving mom feels renewed after bonding with other mothers of fallen heroes on a TAPS Retreat.
2/23/2016 - Laurie Whitham
A surviving mom talks about finding friendship and healing among her peers on the TAPS Moms Retreat at IslandWood.
2/22/2016 - Bunnie Jacquay
TAPS new Health & Wellness Initiative, Inner Warrior, is a multi-dimensional program aimed at empowering survivors to reclaim feelings of wholeness and well-being.
2/21/2016 - TAPS
New legislation now allows eligible special need surviving children and adults to have their Survivor Benefit Plan payment made to a Special Needs Trust.
2/21/2016 - TAPS
There are many scholarships available for surviving family members that can help ease the financial burdens of education.
2/21/2016 - TAPS
John Rhoten is a volunteer and Team TAPS Runner who runs to raise awareness for TAPS.
2/16/2016 - John Rhoten
The only birthday she ever spent with her dad was the day she was born. A daughter shares the impact of her father's absence in her life.
2/13/2016 - Allicia Johnson
She missed her husband's call. Not returning it in time would cause years of guilt, but an important lesson to always let others know how much they mean to you.
2/12/2016 - Linda Ambard
TAPS is expanding our mobile messaging capabilities with an exciting new program that allows us to text you important reminders.
2/8/2016 - TAPS
Event Photos
2/4/2016 - TAPS Media
An honest dialogue about opening your heart to a relationship again after the death of spouse.
1/27/2016 - Linda Ambard
Event Photos
1/21/2016 - TAPS Media
I knew that my “mission” was to get involved with a suicide prevention program and work with soldiers and their family members.
1/12/2016 - Jennifer Keeling
Companioning the bereaved is not about assessing, analyzing, fixing or resolving another’s grief. Instead, it is about being totally present to the mourner.
1/12/2016 - Alan Wolfelt
Spotlight on TAPS Peer Mentor, Dana O'Brien, surviving grandfather of CPL Daniel O'Brien.
1/12/2016 - Jennifer Burns
Event Photos
1/9/2016 - TAPS Media
Event Photos
1/8/2016 - TAPS Media
The grief journey crossroads of avoiding pain and risking your heart to find happiness again.
1/7/2016 - Linda Ambard