Contributions for 2022

You don’t necessarily get over it, you get through it. You carry this experience forward into a new year. You do not enter into this uncharted territory alone.
12/31/2022 - Ellen Andrews
We wanted to share just a few of the hundreds of events hosted for TAPS by our TAPS Families This year.
12/26/2022 - TAPS
Having moments of mindfulness, caring for oneself, being grateful, allowing things to just be even for a moment at a time can have lasting impacts.
12/21/2022 - Rayanne Hunter
This holiday season, we remember your loved one and hold you close in our heart. Your TAPS Family gets it, who understands that these are difficult days.
12/20/2022 - Bonnie Carroll
Read about what Leslie Jackson Vallade, surviving spouse of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Devin Scott Vallade, Sr., has learned on her grief journey.
12/19/2022 - TAPS - Leslie Jackson Vallade
You can find continued meaning in the holidays and in life. You can continue to live and love fully. You must grieve but you can also celebrate.
12/16/2022 - Alan Wolfelt
We’ve been inspired to see TAPS families navigating the holiday season by creating Holiday Tribute Trees in memory of their military loved ones.
12/16/2022 - TAPS
In her role as a Helpline Associate, Vanessa takes from her experience to provide fellow survivors comfort, support, resources, and an understanding listener.
12/15/2022 - Kristi Stolzenberg - Vanessa Hanna-Verrett
Our TAPS Men’s Program participants can attest that the stoicism can be pulled off for a time, but keeping it up as the days march on takes a toll.
12/13/2022 - Rich Cliff - Jon Ganues - Matt Daud
Songwriter and Producer knows what it's like to lose a military family member, and, today, helps kids who, like him, have lost a loved one to military service.
12/9/2022 - TAPS Media
Surviving daughter shares her Christmas Cracker Candy recipe which reminds her of special memories growing up in a military community.
12/9/2022 - Kelly McHugh-Stewart
Read about Sheri Lipscomb's, surviving spouse of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Ricardo Lipscomb, experience at a Salute to Service event and more.
12/6/2022 - TAPS - Sheri Lipscomb
TAPS is your home for the holidays, your soft landing and safe space created to help you remember the love, celebrate the life, and share the journey together.
12/6/2022 - TAPS Media
Get tips to help our children and teenagers traverse the holiday celebrations while also reconciling their feelings of grief.
12/5/2022 - Andy McNiel
Consider these ideas for reducing stress and easing the pain of grieving a loved one this holiday season.
11/28/2022 - Tina Barrett
Thanksgiving can be a challenging time for those who have an empty seat at their table. Your TAPS Family is here for you and you are not alone.
11/24/2022 - Bonnie Carroll
Volume 28, Issue 4
11/23/2022 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and online in fellowship in Long Beach, California.
11/20/2022 - TAPS Media
Video discussion on practical strategies for choosing our own traditions which may mean exploring limiting beliefs about what life "should" look like.
11/16/2022 - Erin Jacobson - Emily Munoz
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is on Saturday, November 19, 2022 and is intended to be a day of healing throughout the world.
11/14/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
This Veterans Day, we thank Nathaniel and all those within the TAPS community who have and are currently serving in the United States Military.
11/11/2022 - Nathaniel Lee
Surviving sister remembers and honors her brother in this loving letter to her brother.
11/10/2022 - Kelly Lennon Fitzpatrick
Video discussion on the ways to remember your loved one, enjoy family traditions, acknowledge your loss and take care of yourselves this holiday season.
11/9/2022 - Andy McNiel
TAPS is our family, a safe space where we honor our loved ones and remember lives lived in selfless service to America.
11/9/2022 - TAPS Media
Surviving families were honored and recognized during the Rangers Football Club Remembrance Day fixture at Ibrox Stadium.
11/9/2022 - TAPS Media
One of the ways we can help our children after loss is to give them tools to cope with the thoughts and emotions that accompany grief.
11/7/2022 - Andy McNiel
Event Photos: TAPS surviving women create a plan for healing and growth in Sedona, Arizona.
11/4/2022 - TAPS Media
Surviving father shares how the NFL Salute to Service and teams4taps helped bring a smile on his surviving son's face.
11/2/2022 - Sam Norman
November is Children's Grief Awareness Month. TAPS recognizes this important time of year in support of our bereaved children, teenagers, and families.
11/1/2022 - Andy McNiel
Grief is a journey without a book of instructions. We start our journey alone and scared. We put on 'masks' as a way to preserve and protect our hearts.
10/31/2022 - Sammi Hester
Event Photos: Survivors share time in the great outdoors with fellow survivors fly fishing at Tidal Basin, National Mall, Washington, D.C.
10/29/2022 - TAPS Media
In 2021, Women's Empowerment welcomed more first-time attendees than any other TAPS Program, with 2,231 women attending nearly 160 online events.
10/28/2022 - TAPS
Supporting others with loss can help create meaning from a loved one's death. Read how becoming a peer mentor helped a surviving spouse heal.
10/27/2022 - Audri Beugelsdijk
Read about Shelley Keas, Team TAPS participant and surviving spouse of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Jeff Keas.
10/26/2022 - TAPS - Shelley Keas
It’s repeated comments like, “I’m fine” and “One day at a time” that wear us down in our daily lives and drain on our emotional reserves when grieving.
10/22/2022 - Emily Munoz
At TAPS seminars, the TAPS peer-to-peer model and the healing power of connecting with someone who has walked in their shoes is displayed in full force.
10/18/2022 - TAPS
TAPS was proud to have surviving families of toxic exposure in attendance at the White House to witness President Joe Biden sign the PACT Act into law.
10/18/2022 - Candace Wheeler
Event Photos: Survivors share time in the great outdoors with fellow survivors fly fishing in Fletcher's Cove, Chesapeake & Ohio Canals, Washington, D.C.
10/15/2022 - TAPS Media
The Dare to Lead™ program is a courage-building program based on the most significant findings from Dr. Brené Brown’s latest research.
10/14/2022 - Terri Williams
TAPS partnership with the National Park Trust and Trout Unlimited helps create connections and coping skills close to home for surviving families.
10/13/2022 - TAPS
This November, we will tell the stories of those who left empty seats at the table, and we will create new memories with others who understand.
10/11/2022 - TAPS Media
Medal of Honor Recipient spoke to surviving military families at the TAPS 14th Annual National Military Suicide Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp.
10/11/2022 - TAPS Media
October marks 28 years that TAPS has been coming alongside grieving military families, and our passion and mission remain more steadfast than ever.
10/11/2022 - TAPS Media
In this wilderness of your grief, the touchstones are your trail markers. They are the signs that let you know you are on the right path.
10/11/2022 - Alan Wolfelt
This November, join with fellow survivors to acknowledge the bittersweet nature of the holidays and the emotions that can come along with them.
10/10/2022 - TAPS
Event Photos, Adult and Youth Survivors come together in fellowship in Dallas, Texas.
10/10/2022 - TAPS Media
For those who are grieving a loved one who died by suicide, TAPS is here to support you. TAPS created the valuable guidebook to help.
10/7/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Volume 28, Issue 3
10/7/2022 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Using safe messaging when we talk and post about suicide makes a world of difference, reinforces hope, and ultimately, saves lives.
10/6/2022 - TAPS Media
Read about a surviving mother mysterious collection of baseball cards found in her yard years after losing her son, U.S. Army SPC Jason Cooper.
10/5/2022 - Kelly McHugh-Stewart
Video discussion on the important roles that recreation, leisure, and play have in helping to heal the wounds of grief.
10/4/2022 - Rachel Hunsell
Medal of Honor Recipient Hershel "Woody" Williams was a Marine whose uncommon valor was equaled by his uncommon kindness.
10/2/2022 - TAPS
Build internal capacity to deal with life's challenges and changes so during times of distress we can better cope, engage with life, and find purpose.
10/1/2022 - TAPS
Read about Ideliz Mora-Cruz, surviving sister of U.S. Army SGT Geraldo Andre Mora Cruz and TAPS Survivor Care Team associate.
9/27/2022 - TAPS - Ideliz Mora-Cruz
As a suicide loss survivor, what does suicide prevention mean to you? We asked TAPS survivors of suicide loss this question and their answers were full of hope.
9/27/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS surviving women create a plan for healing and growth in Maumee, Ohio.
9/23/2022 - TAPS Media
TAPS families had the chance visit with the Congressional leadership that supported the resolution for Gold Star Families Remembrance Week.
9/22/2022 - TAPS
Video discussion on how to practice self-leadership, form habits that serve us, and practice extreme self-care, no matter your circumstances.
9/20/2022 - Eileen O'Grady
Video discussion on the critical connection between postvention and what suicide prevention means now after personal loss.
9/14/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
What are some things that you do to honor and remember your person or people who have died?
9/13/2022 - Pamela Gabbay
Read about Matt Daud, surviving father of U.S. Marine CPL Christopher Daud, retired airline pilot, TAPS Peer Mentor & TAPS Survivor Care Team associate.
9/13/2022 - TAPS - Matt Daud
This month, America recognizes Gold Star Families and TAPS offers resources available in suicide prevention or those seeking help from suicide.
9/12/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Fundraiser with world-class entertainment featuring Frank Meyers, Anthony Smith, Wynn Varble, Brice Long, Jimmy Nichols.
9/10/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS surviving men honor their loved ones and connect with other men who understand in West Creek Ranch, Emigrant, Montana. .
9/9/2022 - TAPS Media
The International Live Events Association Esprit Awards recognize excellence in industry professionals’ most creative and innovative events.
9/9/2022 - TAPS
Using “hero” themes can help children cope with grief, endure life’s challenges, learn to forgive, and find meaning in life in the midst of painful experiences.
9/8/2022 - Andy McNiel
Event Photos: TAPS supporters join together in supporting the families of our fallen military members.
9/8/2022 - TAPS Media
Video discussion on how to find continuity between “what was” and what is by creating a new “everyday” that works for you and your family.
9/7/2022 - Rachel Kodanaz
This program focuses on 5 Pillars of Growth and Healing: personal development, career guidance, communications, financial stability, & service to others.
9/5/2022 - TAPS
Read one surviving fiancé's journey toward healing and growth from suicide loss with help from Home Base Programs of Boston and TAPS.
9/2/2022 - Katie Langer - Carla Stumpf Patton
TAPS is honored to be a leader in suicide postvention. We’re sharing resources available to those looking to get involved or those seeking help.
9/1/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Video discussion on how the TAPS policy team is advocating for you on Capitol Hill on a variety of issues from remarriage to toxic exposure.
8/30/2022 - Candace Wheeler - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
Surviving father discovers being honest with our emotions can unlock a new strength in us, empowering us to endure what we once thought was impossible.
8/30/2022 - Perry Monroe
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and online in fellowship in San Antonio, Texas.
8/28/2022 - TAPS Media
TAPS Peer Mentor Sonia Rai reflects on the nature of her relationship with her best friend and soulmate U.S. Air Force Captain John Graziano.
8/24/2022 - Sonia Rai
In addition to peer support and services that TAPS provides, we also connect you to grief resources close to home.
8/18/2022 - TAPS
As headlines from Afghanistan faded from social media feeds and the nightly newscasts, TAPS support for the families they serve never wavers.
8/17/2022 - Kelly McHugh-Stewart
In this wilderness of your grief, the touchstones are your trail markers. They are the signs that let you know you are on the right path.
8/12/2022 - Alan Wolfelt
Video discussion on active grief versus passive grief in moving us beyond just coping, beyond just surviving after a loss.
8/9/2022 - Benjamin Wolfe
This legislation ensures veterans exposed to burn pits, toxins, and airborne hazards while deployed are provided access to VA health care and benefits.
8/3/2022 - TAPS
TAPS provides compassionate care to all those grieving the death of a military loved one, no matter when, where or how the death took place.
8/2/2022 - TAPS Media
TAPS Young Adults connect with peers and professionals to help guide and inspire them as they continue building their adult lives and careers.
8/1/2022 - TAPS Media
During my darkest moments after the death of my loved one, in nature, I always find affirmations of hope and healing.
8/1/2022 - Erin Jacobson
Young adults’ passion for learning, thinking outside the box to align their own values and purpose with a fulfilling career were reignited at this event.
8/1/2022 - Renee Monczynski
Here are some suggestions on how schools can provide a supportive environment for students who may be grieving the death of a loved one.
7/31/2022 - Andy McNiel
Peer Mentors are the foundation of the TAPS mission to provide compassionate care to all those grieving the death of a military loved one.
7/30/2022 - Michelle Knuppe
Get suggestions for better understanding how your child feels most comfortable being in the world, and how to best spend our energy parenting them.
7/28/2022 - Andy McNiel
Whether you are a surviving brother, father, battle buddy, adult child, or spouse, you have a home at TAPS.
7/25/2022 - TAPS
Volume 28, Issue 2
7/20/2022 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Event Photos: TAPS Young Adults attended a 4-day, 3-night professional development conference hosted at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia.
7/17/2022 - TAPS Media
The national launch of the 3-digit dialing code on July 16, 2022 will provide free and confidential support, 24/7/365 through call, text, or chat.
7/15/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
You are part of a network we call the TAPS family, and it's more than a label. At TAPS events, there are opportunities to be truly who you are.
7/11/2022 - TAPS Media
This first event is one of ten events in partnership with the National Park Trust that will take place over the next year.
7/11/2022 - Rachel Hunsell
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and online in fellowship in Denver, Colorado.
7/10/2022 - TAPS Media
Freedom is priceless. It should never be taken for granted. My wish for Afghanistan is the feeling of freedom I have found in America.
7/4/2022 - Bushra Farkish
Event Photos: TAPS families participated 4th of July Celebration at the White House in Washington, D.C.
7/4/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Fundraiser with world-class entertainment by Pam Tillis, Frank Myers, Jamie O'Neal, David Ernest Malloy, Jimmy Nichols, and Ed Montana.
6/30/2022 - TAPS Media
Video discussion to discuss hands-on wellness tools, such as Tapping and the Heart Coherence procedure from the HeartMath Institute.
6/28/2022 - Neil Goodman
Event Photos: TAPS young adults gain real-world life skills to help transition into adulthood in Denver, Colorado.
6/26/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Survivors share time in the great outdoors with fellow survivors fly fishing in Marietta, Georgia.
6/25/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Military survivors set sail together from Orlando in fellowship on a cruise to the Bahamas.
6/21/2022 - TAPS Media
Surviving son shares his complicated experience grieving for his father as a young teen while at the same time discovering his own identity.
6/17/2022 - Chandler Keeling
June is PTSD Awareness Month and at TAPS, we recognize the importance of having open lines of communication on such difficult topics.
6/15/2022 - TAPS Media
Home Base and TAPS offer specialized trauma treatment combined with peer-based support to those grieving the loss of a military loved one to suicide.
6/13/2022 - Carla Stumpf Patton
Event Photos: TAPS Surviving Military Men attended the Survivor Experience with Robert Irvine in Las Vegas, Nevada
6/12/2022 - TAPS Media
Video discussion to explore Darcie Sims's four grief styles and explore practical ideas for supporting each of the different styles.
6/7/2022 - Tina Barrett
Event Photos: TAPS fundraiser held in Paramus, New Jersey by hosts Tom and Sharon Chisholm
6/7/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Team TAPS participated June 4 and 5 at the Armed Forces Cycling Classic to raise money and awareness for TAPS.
6/5/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos, May 27 - 30, 2022
6/3/2022 - TAPS Media
Here’s how you can best use your time to give yourself as much attention as you give others while you are grieving.
6/2/2022 - Gloria Horsley
More than 1200 military survivors, volunteers and staff gathered together for hope and healing in Arlington, Virginia over Memorial Day Weekend.
5/30/2022 - TAPS Media
We are grateful to the American Veterans Center and the National Memorial Day Parade for including military surviving families in this special event.
5/30/2022 - National Veterans Center
For all of us in the TAPS family, every day is our Memorial Day. As military survivors we are our loved ones living legacies.
5/25/2022 - TAPS Media
Video discussion on active and passive healing and how taking a step toward peer mentoring can support growth during the grief journey.
5/17/2022 - Audri Beugelsdijk - Jon Ganues - Carole Hilton
Scientific evidence suggests a link between therapeutic writing and the successful management of traumatic experiences. Read tips to get started.
5/15/2022 - Stephanie Frogge
In this wilderness of your grief, the touchstones are your trail markers. They are the signs that let you know you are on the right path.
5/11/2022 - Alan Wolfelt
Event Photos: TAPS surviving women create a plan for healing and growth in Boone, North Carolina.
5/9/2022 - TAPS Media
If you are a surviving military child or sibling ages 18 - 30 and looking for an understanding and supportive community, join TAPS Young Adults.
5/2/2022 - Joelle Leek
His precious family, our nation, and our TAPS family will dearly miss TAPS Honorary Board member, the Honorable Robert J. Dole.
5/2/2022 - TAPS
When one military family member serves, the entire family serves... and sacrifices. We honor you.
5/1/2022 - TAPS Media
U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant Clifford Valentino Gadsden's family announced the Atlanta Falcons 2nd Round Draft Pick at the 2022 NFL Draft in Las Vegas.
4/29/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS supporters join together in supporting the families of our fallen military members.
4/27/2022 - TAPS Media
This year's award was presented to Technical Sergeant Clynton Trewyn, United States Air Force.
4/27/2022 - TAPS Media
This year's award was presented to Matt Daud, Surviving father of Corporal Christopher Daud, United States Marine Corps.
4/27/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS hosted a Congressional Luncheon at the Army Navy Club in Washington, D.C.
4/27/2022 - TAPS Media
In light of challenging times, we are even more thankful for the in-person and virtual opportunities that our partners helped provide for our TAPS families.
4/27/2022 - TAPS
Surviving mother shares how attending TAPS Expeditions, Retreats and teams4taps events has helped her on the journey to healing.
4/25/2022 - Elizabeth Engleman-Hammett
We are a family of military survivors ready to embrace and connect all who grieve the death of a military loved one with resources, services and programs.
4/22/2022 - TAPS Impact
A conversation between TAPS Founder and President Bonnie Carroll and Robin Gargano held during the Finding the Beauty within Tragedy Summit.
4/20/2022 - Robin Gargano
Get parenting tips to help your grieving child problem solve, strengthen their sense of security, and provide moral support and encouragement.
4/14/2022 - TAPS
Video discussion on tools and techniques to express yourself via written words while providing an opportunity to heal, grow, and feel empowered.
4/12/2022 - Rachel Kodanaz
Children and teens have had their world turned inside out during the coronavirus pandemic. Understand the signs of grief and ways to help them heal.
4/11/2022 - Linda Goldman
Event Photos: TAPS young adults gain real-world life skills to help transition into adulthood in Charleston, South Carolina.
4/8/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: First Lady of Virginia Suzanne Youngkin toured TAPS headquarters in Arlington, Virginia
4/5/2022 - TAPS Media
At our Family Camps we provide care, support, and a lot of fun to help improve communication and family dynamics.
4/4/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS fundraiser at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas to honor the legacy of our courageous heroes and in tribute to the Windy25 flight.
4/2/2022 - TAPS Media
TAPS is America's family, and during this Month of the Military Child, we honor our youngest grievers – the children of our nation's fallen heroes.
4/1/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS surviving women create a plan for healing and growth in Charleston, South Carolina.
4/1/2022 - TAPS Media
Find support and immerse yourself in the company of those who have the shared experience of grief and loss. Join your TAPS Family.
4/1/2022 - Ellen Andrews
Discover the ways to support TAPS. We also welcome your creative ideas!
4/1/2022 - TAPS
Volume 28, Issue 1
4/1/2022 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
If you or your child are exploring post-secondary education opportunities, TAPS Education Support Services is at the ready to help you navigate the process.
4/1/2022 - TAPS
Whether it is sitting on a back porch, taking a walk, going on a hike, or opening the window, nature improves our overall well-being.
3/31/2022 - Jason Stout
Video recording discussion to learn strategies, validation, and guidance to help you better understand and cope with your grief journey.
3/29/2022 - Karen Monts
The updated Online Community allows you to explore all of our online programs – online groups, workshops, and coping skills programs – in one place.
3/28/2022 - TAPS
Our community of military survivors has a unique, complicated connection to war, and it's okay to not be okay right now. Here are some tips to help cope.
3/25/2022 - Kelly McHugh-Stewart
Storytelling can be done through our oral stories, but also through writing, painting, collaging, dancing, gardening, and so much more.
3/20/2022 - Rachel Hunsell
Event Photos: TAPS young adults gain real-world life skills to help transition into adulthood in Boston, Massachusetts.
3/11/2022 - TAPS Media
Teton Ridge Foundation gave recognition and honor to over 250 surviving military families at The American Rodeo in Arlington, Texas on March 6, 2022.
3/6/2022 - Teton Ridge Foundation
Event Photos: TAPS Survivors move beyond your comfort zone with the support of others who understand in Anchorage, Alaska.
3/6/2022 - TAPS Media
Our hearts remain with all those being impacted around the world. Connect with TAPS as you process these current events while still caring for yourself.
3/2/2022 - TAPS Media
If you are grieving the death of a military or veteran loved one, TAPS is here to help connect your to grief counseling or therapy.
3/1/2022 - Karissa Kelley
Video discussion on four basic concepts to facilitate a child’s understanding about death and grief and resources for families and caregivers.
3/1/2022 - Marianne Matzo
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and virtually in fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida.
2/27/2022 - TAPS Media
Finding mental health help while grieving can move you forward even though it feels impossible. If you are ready to take the next step, call TAPS.
2/25/2022 - Karissa Kelley
Event Photos: TAPS fundraiser held in Jupiter, Florida by hosts Tom and Sharon Chisholm
2/24/2022 - TAPS Media
Check out what events are happening in February to to help us reinforce our relationship and remain connected with our special person in healthy ways.
2/14/2022 - TAPS Media
Read ideas for remaining connected with that person you loved so dearly…strive to know them in a new way and be their footsteps in the world.
2/14/2022 - Audri Beugelsdijk
Download our one-page resource that offers age-appropriate words that will help our youngest survivors begin to understand what has transpired.
2/13/2022 - TAPS
Event Photos: TAPS surviving women create a plan for healing and growth in Sedona, Arizona.
2/11/2022 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the NFL Pro Bowl Experience in Las Vega, Nevada
2/7/2022 - TAPS Media
Video recording discussion on writing prompts that will help you chart a course for healthy coping, loving reflection, and self-discovery in 2022.
2/1/2022 - Heather Stang
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and virtually in fellowship in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
1/30/2022 - TAPS Media
Video recording discussion on when mourners feel they cannot express their loss fully because of the cultural stigma about how the person died.
1/18/2022 - Kenneth Doka
As fellow survivors, your TAPS family continually lifts one another up with support and encouragement. Discover the ways to join your TAPS Family in 2022.
1/4/2022 - TAPS Media
Rather than struggle against ourselves or set unrealistic expectations this new year, make friends with where you are. Discover some ways help.
1/3/2022 - Audri Beugelsdijk