Financial Aid Search Request Form

Complete the steps in the form below and Education Support Services will email you with a detailed and specialized list of scholarship information and benefits resources that you may be eligible for to help you reach your postsecondary educational goals.  If you need further assistance, please email or call 800-959-TAPS (8277).

* Required

Your Relationship to Your Loved One

I am a Surviving... *

Please provide your relationship to your loved one. *

Your Loved One's Information

Status When Passed Away *
Was the cause of death ruled “service connected” by the Department of Veterans Affairs? *

About Your Educational Goals

Highest Degree Earned *
Degree currently or soon to be pursuing *

City and State (or City and Country) of college or university (if known; otherwise, list the locations of top school choices) *

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your student? (for example, some scholarships are offered to students with certain disabilities; from certain social demographics; or even those who participate in activities such as sports)

Are You Under the Age 18?

Parent / Guardian Contact Information


Student Information


Thank you for your request for assistance with Financial Aid for Education. 

REMEMBER to select the submit button below to process your request!

You will receive an email to confirm your request was submitted successfully. If you don't receive a confirmation email, we may have not received your submission. Contact us at if you do not recieve an email or have any other questions.