TAPS Men's Program
TAPS recognizes that many men require the support of fellow men to navigate their grief in a way that feels authentic to them, free from any expectations of how they should grieve. Whether you are a surviving brother, father, battle buddy, adult child, or spouse, TAPS welcomes you with open arms.
So what is it about the TAPS Men's Program that bonds us to each other? We are men who lost loved ones that served this great country. We lean on each other to share the experience, strength and hope that we each have inside of us no matter how far out we are from our loss. We grow stronger by knowing we can count on each other to be the energy we are all sometimes lacking from time to time. We come together because of our shared grief, and this is the common bond that keeps us coming back for more kinship.
"We are men of different ages, different life experiences, different socio-economic backgrounds, and different faith experiences. The common thread is that each of our loved ones died while serving their country. There is certainly sympathy for each other and the loss we have suffered. But more importantly, there is empathy."
by joining us in the following programs we offer throughout the year.

Survivor Seminars provide opportunities to connect with other men throughout a weekend of hope and healing with other military survivors. We build community with one another through casual settings like our "Men's Only Breakfasts" and Men's Share Groups. We also participate in interactive workshops with one another, a time where we can discuss some of the more traditional ways men reveal their unique grief.

This group is planned by men, led by men, and only for men - and is a solid, supportive group where the men of TAPS can handle grief their own way. Facilitated by peer leaders from the Survivor Care Team who can relate to all types of loss, this men's group uses several different session formats to keep the experience interesting, diverse, and tailored to the preferences of the men who attend and is for all surviving men at any point in the grief journey.

TAPS Retreats and Outdoor experiences take place over several days in locations throughout the country and are designed to bring together small groups of survivors who share similar losses to further build a sense of community. Together we step away from the daily grind, step outside our comfort zone, enjoy incredible opportunities in unique locations, honor our loved ones, and connect with other men who understand.
For more information, contact us at adultprograms@taps.org.