Webinar: Coping with Grief, Reaching Out for Support

add to outlook calendar add to gmail calendar August 23, 2018, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Eastern
Slides Available

Presented by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®, this webinar with Heidi Horsley, PSYD, LMSW, MS, Gloria Horsley, PhD, MS, CNS, and Debbie Rambis, Executive Director, The Compassionate Friends, will offer practical means of coping with grief and techniques that can help foster healing and growth. The discussion will also explore when grief counseling may be helpful and what qualities to look for when pursuing professional support.   



Gloria Horsley
Gloria Horsley, PhD, MS, CNS, Co-Founder, Open to HopeGloria Horsley is the co-founder of Open to Hope and co-host of the Open to Hope cable TV channel and podcasts. She is a past faculty member at the University of Rochester, a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, and an Advisory Board member for TAPS and the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation.
Heidi Horsley
Heidi Horsley, PSYD, LMSW, MS, Co-Founder, Open to HopeHeidi Horsley is the co-founder of Open to Hope and co-host of the Open to Hope cable TV channel and podcasts. She is an adjunct professor at Columbia University, a member of The Compassionate Friends board, and an Advisory Board member for TAPS and the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation.
Debbie Rambis
Debbie Rambis, Executive Director, The Compassionate FriendsDebbie Rambis joined The Compassionate Friends in 2011 after the drowning death of her son Tony. After serving as a Chapter Leader, Regional Coordinator, and member of the National Board of Directors, she became Executive Director of the organization in September 2017.

Program Details

This webinar is free. Continuing education is not available for this program.

Join us online via your computer. You will be able to participate in the Q&A by submitting questions via email or text.




About the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®

The TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® is positioned to be the national and worldwide leader in training and education for bereavement professionals, bereaved individuals, and grieving military, veteran and civilian families. The Institute serves as a resource and training center, providing a hub for high-quality collaboration among professionals working in the field of grief and loss.

The Institute is where practical information on coping with loss are accessible for all who seek current strategies, the most effective tools, and best practices for supporting those who are grieving and those who serve the grieving. 

The Institute provides workshops, seminars, panel discussions, and more to educate caregivers, mental health professionals, clergy, funeral directors, casualty officers, the bereaved themselves, and so many others on the best ways to travel the grief journey.

TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® is located at TAPS Headquarters, 3033 Wilson Blvd., Third Floor, Arlington, VA 22201

Email us at Institute@taps.org or give us a call at 800-959-8277 (TAPS) with any questions.