Contributions by Rachael Hill

One surviving spouse shares about teaching her young sons some of the intricacies of adulting — including taxes during this stay at home time.
7/7/2020 - Rachael Hill
For one surviving widow and her two boys, this day is now etched into their minds and brings with it sorrow and tears, but also pride in remembrance.
5/27/2019 - Rachael Hill
Since my husband’s death in 2010, Veterans Day has always been my hardest holiday.
11/11/2015 - Rachael Hill
Responsibility can be an overwhelming thing, especially when you feel like it is all on you s a single parent.
10/22/2015 - Rachael Hill
It has now been five years since I watched you put on your boots, grab your coffee cup, and head off to work for the very last time.
7/28/2015 - Rachael Hill
I became more present in each day and when I did that, the excitement and enjoyment of life started to return…and so did that sparkle.
6/26/2015 - Rachael Hill
Jeff continues to be a part of our lives because as the song says, a love like that isn’t easily forgotten.
3/27/2015 - Rachael Hill
I know that the work is worth it in order to continue living the way I want to live, which is to simply be happy.
2/24/2015 - Rachael Hill
On October 26th, 2014 I ran the Marine Corps Marathon with TAPS, my second ever full marathon!
12/8/2014 - Rachael Hill
In one breath four years seems like an eternity, but yet in another it feels like just yesterday.
7/28/2014 - Rachael Hill
I feel like I am finally ready to let some of it go and only keep what truly matters most, but it still isn't easy.
6/9/2014 - Rachael Hill
Change is sometimes the only constant we can rely on in our lives. No matter how good or bad a situation is, at some point it will inevitably change.
1/27/2014 - Rachael Hill
I can't imagine what this world would be like without laughter in it! You will never hear someone say they felt worse after a good laugh.
12/16/2013 - Rachael Hill
Every day I wear a black bracelet on my wrist with my husband's name on it. I never take it off.
11/4/2013 - Rachael Hill
It is no surprise to say that there a gamut of emotions that go along with grief.
9/9/2013 - Rachael Hill
Three years? If it has really been three years, then why is it when I close my eyes I can still feel his arms around me and hear his voice?
8/5/2013 - Rachael Hill
I have learned that on these difficult days I need to stop pulling away from my family and friends…for they are the ones that ultimately get me through.
7/15/2013 - Rachael Hill
Survivor and veteran, Rachael Hill shares her journey to making Memorial Day about remembering those veterans who have given their lives.
5/22/2013 - Rachael Hill
This is not the life I chose, but I am choosing to make the best of it. I am content with where I am right now.
5/13/2013 - Rachael Hill
I took myself out of my comfort zone in so many ways and I succeeded by pushing myself to do something new and out of the norm.
3/18/2013 - Rachael Hill
For my kids especially, I have realized that their grief is going to be an ever-evolving process.
2/25/2013 - Rachael Hill
When it comes down to it though, Christmas is not about the presents and cookies, but rather it is a season of love.
12/24/2012 - Rachael Hill
I am thankful for the 13 years I got to spend with my amazing husband and the 2 beautiful boys we had together.
12/10/2012 - Rachael Hill
Just as grief is a journey, faith is a journey and there are always going to be bumps and turns along the way.
10/28/2012 - Rachael Hill
However, at the end of the day this is my reality and I know that sometimes I just have to face it head on, no matter how much it hurts.
9/24/2012 - Rachael Hill
I miss my best friend. That friend that knows you better than you know yourself and you don’t have to give any background information when telling a story.
8/20/2012 - Rachael Hill
We all need support, no matter what may be going on in our lives, and when you lose someone close to you that support is what helps get you through.
8/20/2012 - Rachael Hill
I will always be thankful for the 13 years I got to spend with Jeff and the love that we shared was, IS, enough to last a lifetime.
7/27/2012 - Rachael Hill
Birthdays and anniversaries are days that can be both happy and difficult…especially when you have lost someone you love.
6/18/2012 - Rachael Hill
On May 19th I ran my first full marathon in Fargo, ND with the TAPS Run and Remember team.
5/23/2012 - Rachael Hill
Never in a million years did I think I would be a widow and a single mom to 3 and 5 year old little boys at just 31 years old.
4/16/2012 - Rachael Hill