Contributions by Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann

Listen to TAPS Statement regarding Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for high school students, graduates & claims processing delays.
6/26/2024 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann - TAPS Media
Listen to testimony on passing legislation to allow surviving spouses to retain their benefits following remarriage and fix educational compensation issues.
1/30/2024 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann - Kaanan Mackey-Fugler - TAPS Media
TAPS is leading the charge on Capitol Hill to introduce and pass legislation to allow surviving spouses to maintain benefits upon remarriage at any age.
7/2/2023 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
Video discussion on how the TAPS policy team is advocating for you on Capitol Hill on a variety of issues from remarriage to toxic exposure.
8/30/2022 - Candace Wheeler - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
TAPS Deputy Director of Policy and Legislation explains what the widow's tax is and the importance of passing legislation to fix the issue.
9/16/2019 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
There are a variety of education benefits and scholarships that military survivors can take advantage of to make college more affordable.
1/16/2018 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
As I testified before Congress advocating on a bill to expand GI Bill benefits, all I could think about was how much my mom would have enjoyed being there.
7/24/2017 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
TAPS Education Support Services is available to help you throughout the college and scholarship application process.
11/21/2016 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
Even though the process did not occur in any prescribed order or in the way some say it should have, I felt I reached important milestones in my grief journey.
12/21/2015 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
I could physically feel her presence there, and I know that those tickets were a gift from her.
4/28/2015 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
On September 30, 2014, TAPS launched the Military Survivor Education Support Services Program at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
12/21/2014 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann
In 2002 I lost my dad while he was training to deploy to Iraq. I was ten years old. College was the last thing on my mind and not high on my mother's priority list.
9/29/2014 - Ashlynne Haycock-Lohmann