TAPS International Global Gathering

add to outlook calendar add to gmail calendar January 17 - 20, 2022
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

January 17 - Global Gathering of Organizations Supporting Loved Ones of Military and Conflict Deceased

January 18 - Reception and Panel Discussion at the International Stability Operations Association (ISOA) Middle East Stability and and Development Conference

January 19 - Visit to Dubai Expo and the Women's Pavillion where we'll discuss the worldwide initiatives and solutions by women to create a better world

January 20 - Closing Sessions with the ISO Middle East Stability and Development Conference

To register to join us, please email us at global@taps.org.

International Stability Operations Association Logo

Declaration of the Global Community of Families of Military Deceased

Be it known by all, we the families of those who have died in the cause of freedom, stand together in the light of justice against all those threatening the peace of our world. We unite with great purpose and with pride in our heroes’ selfless service. 

We pledge to continue as their living legacies in honor of their sacrifice to heal our hearts and raise future generations in peace, freedom, and stability.

The families of our deceased military are hereby united as a global community interdependent upon one another. We commit to go beyond our borders, rise above political or religious differences, transcend language barriers and unite with one voice in hope and healing.

We recognize the need for a solid and sustained network of support and to maximize resources offered to all who are grieving the death of a military loved one.  We stand together in our acknowledgment of the universality of grief, our respect for all who have served and died, and our dedication to peace.

In honor of our fallen heroes, our military deceased, and our martyrs, we will raise our voices as one global community, representing the families of all those who have given their lives in the cause of freedom.

For the support of this Declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our honor for those who have served and died and our care for their families.