Hurricane Disaster Assistance Helps One Family Believe

Author: TAPS

In the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, TAPS families found themselves needing assistance with basic life necessities. Our Casework Team was able to help by connecting our survivors to resources through our long-standing partnerships with government, private, volunteer and charitable organizations that help with military benefits. The Casework Team operated around the clock to provide emergency assisting for finding temporary housing; replacing groceries destroyed in the storms; providing short-term financial help in areas without power to operate ATMs; and giving emotional support for families who already suffered significant loss.

A Gold Star Child's Dear Santa List--Macbook, guitar & Daddy 

TAPS was able to help a family in Puerto Rico affected by the hurricane​s​. ​The family suffered without power, food or running water for 18 days. They ha​d​ to wait hours for water, ice and gas. There ha​d been looting and a terrible increase in crime in the area. They need​ed​ a generator to power the refrigerator and keep the lights on at night for safety.​ The Casework Team worked through the night to secure a generator and deliver it to the family. Recently, we received a note with an update​.

A surviving spouse shared, "Hurricane Maria hit us so hard in so many ways, but it did not take our joy and gratefulness away. We still believe! We are blessed to be alive and grateful for TAPS who supported us when we most needed it. ​You honored my husband's legacy by helping our family. ​Thought I would share this pic with you of my son's Dear Santa list. A MacBook, guitar and Daddy. This is a Gold Star Child's wish everyday but mostly on the holidays!"