Saturday Morning Message: Teachers make a difference

Author: Carol Lane

Good morning,

Teachers can be very motivating especially when they help us discover subjects we find interesting. Survivors wrote this week about those subjects and how they were encouraged by teachers to continue exploring these subjects. 

Reading book

One of my favorite subjects is reading. For those who find reading helpful especially during these uncertain times, Lauren, sister of Andrew, a TAPS staff member, told us about a Facebook group TAPS created called the TAPS Bookworm Society for those who love to read. Lauren wrote, “Calling all TAPS book worms! Join our new Facebook group for TAPS family members to share what they are reading with each other. Share books you’ve enjoyed and find inspiration for your next read. We look forward to reading with you online!”

This Sunday is Mothers’ Day. We celebrate all the mothers who are our first teachers.

Carol Lane
Mother of Bryon


Answers from Survivors

Responses from Survivors to last week's question: What is a memory you would like to share of your favorite teacher?

From Robin, mother of Steven: When Steven was learning to read, a retired teacher was volunteering to help the new readers. She had written a few books and had given a few to Steven. He loved them. I came across them not long ago. It brought a smile to my face knowing how much he enjoyed her little books as a child.

From Judy, mother of Christian:  My love of art began in elementary school, but I don't remember the teacher's name. I think it is so important to introduce all the arts to children from an early age. When I was a child, my father would take me to his drum line practice where he led the group for many years. I come from a line of drummers, singers and painters. I do sing and play a little drums and guitar. I have been teaching myself how to paint with acrylics by watching artists on YouTube. I've started with the very basics like how to mix many colors using only the primary colors. I've also had fun painting seashells! I don't know if I have any talent, but it sure is fun trying to create something. I find that spending quiet time with paints or working in the garden help to keep my mind off this pandemic. I also like to think that my son is watching over me and smiling.

From Kelsey, mother of Michael: My favorite teacher was Martha White, an English teacher. She saw talent in my writing long before I did. She encouraged me to never give up. I still have papers with her notes written on them.

If you would like to send a message thanking one or all of those who participated in this week’s Saturday Morning Message, send it to me at and I will make sure your thoughts are passed along to them.


Question for Next Week’s Saturday Morning Message 

Since Memorial Day will be different for many of us this year, it might be helpful to share our plans. This week’s question is: What are you going to do to honor your loved one on this Memorial Day? We look forward to your responses.

The Saturday Morning Message was created so survivors can share questions and read how others respond. I am always looking for questions and songs for future messages. If you would like to send a message thanking one or all of those who participated this week, send it to me and I will make sure it is sent. You never know how your words may touch the heart of another. I encourage you to reply to the Saturday Morning Message by emailing In order to have your reply included the following week, it is best to send your response to me by Tuesday morning. Thank you to everyone responding this week and those who read this message.


♫ Song for the Week

This week’s song is from Leslie, mother of Eugene, who wrote, “There’s not enough to do. I’ve cleaned out my closets and my storage room. I’ve sorted my clothes and my shoes. I put up two long shelves in my closet for extra storage. I practice the piano and read my books and clean and clean and clean some more. I think about my son, Eugene. And then I heard "Dancing in the Sky," sung by Dani and Lizzy and it asked all the questions I have. And there are no answers.”

You can send me favorite songs for this song of the week section at and include a note about why the song is meaningful to you.


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Other Items and Events of Interest

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Join us on Memorial Day Weekend, May 28 to 30, for our 27th Annual National Military Survivor Seminar! We will be live streaming all of our general sessions with guest speakers.

Important Note: In-person registration is still open, but we are in a waitlist situation due to COVID occupancy restrictions in the State of Virginia. 

If you have any questions, email or call our Helpline at 202.588.TAPS (8277).

Learn More and Register


▶▶  Connect With Your TAPS Family 

You can discover all the opportunities to connect with your TAPS Family on our website at the TAPS Event Calendar.

About the Saturday Morning Message

The Saturday Morning Message (SMM) is a weekly communication contributed by survivors. The primary focus of the SMM is to foster peer-based connections for support and encouragement. It is the goal of this communication to foster a safe, supportive place where we can openly share in a nonjudgmental and caring manner. Read and contribute as you are comfortable. Content submitted for the SMM is edited for space considerations and may be used in other TAPS publications. The loving family at TAPS is available to you 24 hours a day. Please call 202-588-TAPS (8277).